Sunday, August 29, 2021

Teacher Brags About Hiding American Flag Because It "Made Her Uncomfortable," Replaces it with Pride Flag

Teacher Brags About Hiding American Flag Because It "Made Her Uncomfortable," Replaces it with Pride Flag
Brodigan - August 29, 2021 at 08:27AM

There is a movement to put cameras on all teachers. It might be easier to mandate they all need TikTok accounts. When left to their own druthers, they seem to enjoy exposing themselves. The latest example is this California teacher. Yes, California. I know how shocking you must find that.

The alleged "educator" said the American flag made her feel uncomfortable. So she packed it away. But she left the Pride flag up so her students still had a flag they could pledge their allegiance to. She then, while knowing what she did was wrong and could get her in trouble, bragged about doing so on TikTok. Because somehow in 2021 there are still people who don't know how the internet works.

I "packed the American Flag away" and I don't know where, and I" haven't found it yet."

In the meantime, I tell this kid, 'We do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to.' And he like, looks around and goes, 'Oh, [the Pride flag]?'

Because @LibsofTikTok is our most valuable resource that should be protected at all costs, it got results. The school district was forced to issue a response.

On Friday evening, one of our teachers created a personal social media post that caused alarm and concern related to the American flag. Showing respect for our nation's flag is an important value our District instills in our students and is an expectation of our employees.

We take this matter very seriously and are investigating and addressing it.

Surprising to no one, the teacher's TikTok account has since been deleted.

I'm almost more offended by the stupidity than the indoctrination attempt. She teaches at a public school. Indoctrination is assumed. It's why we regretfully have to rely on students with smartphones to expose so much of it. But this specimen broadcast what she was doing on her own. It assumes one of two things. One, she did it for social media clout. Who cares what parents or students think? There are hyperpartisan stans on TikTok to tell her how awesome she is!

The other is that she doesn't understand how the internet works. And that when you have a public account, other people can see the videos you post.

Our best and brightest are NOT being taught by our best and brightest. That much is clear.

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