Sunday, August 22, 2021

Hero Nurse Resigns Over Mandates: 'All of a Sudden, I'm a THREAT to Public Health?'

Hero Nurse Resigns Over Mandates: 'All of a Sudden, I'm a THREAT to Public Health?'
Brodigan - August 22, 2021 at 09:55AM

Stay classy, San Diego. Or, stay angry and speak out. San Diego Board of Supervisors meetings has given us a few classic clips and examples of civic-minded citizenry. Here we have a nurse (also known as a hero) who has spent the last year and a half working in a hospital and taking care of C*VID patients. She did so, healthily, without having to stick a needle in her arm. Now that the government claims she is no longer safe unless she takes the jab, she has some questions.

I was no problem working in the healthcare system over the last 18 months, without a vaccine, but now, all of a sudden, I'm a threat to public health? Tell me where this makes sense? All of you sitting up there with your masks on? You know those masks don't do anything. As a health care provider, we are taught how to use PPE. We're taught universal precautions. And we're taught how to implement them when we're dealing with people who have a viral infection.

Point of reference, the masks the nurse says don't work are the masks Joe Biden's COVID advisor, a public health official, also says don't work. BTW, this is San Diego where teachers fought against in-person learning earlier this year but rushed out to teach in-person illegal migrants. You know, since the topic of hypocrisy was brought up.

You're creating a health care crisis. We already have a nursing shortage in America. So now in San Diego county, I know for a fact there are several hospitals that are operating on an all bed crisis. You know why? Because we have a nursing shortage. These numbers are skewed. This testing is skewed. This needs to stop.

Hearing nurses speak out makes me think of a commercial I keep seeing aired on NYC television. They have medical professionals answering people's hesitancy about the Fauci Ouchies, and one of the questions asked is "why so many health care professionals DON'T want the shot?" The answer, in this commercial, is that the health care professionals would like to see more tests and studies, but you should trust "the science" -- aka the government -- anyway.

It's one thing to dismiss someone's "crazy, Trump-supporting, Fox news watching uncle." Or, whatever strawman stereotype helps you feel superior in your personal health choices. It's another thing to dismiss the people we have been calling heroes for the past eighteen months and ignore their concerns. If addressing v-hesitancy is really as important as the government is, you would think addressing the concerns of health care professionals who have been on the frontlines this entire time would be a good way to do so.

You would think that if the government was really concerned about addressing the hesitancy. But they're not.

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