Saturday, August 28, 2021

Taliban Orders All Citizens to Surrender Privately Owned Weapons Within a Week. Hear That, America?

Taliban Orders All Citizens to Surrender Privately Owned Weapons Within a Week. Hear That, America?
Brodigan - August 28, 2021 at 11:14AM

If you follow the gun debate at all, you've heard pro-gun people say when socialists and/or authoritarians take over a country, the first thing they do is restrict a citizen's right to firearms. Those people, the pro-gun people, are the people we call "on the right side of history:" Because if you look at the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, the first thing they did was start confiscating the people's guns. Saying that the people didn't "need" them anymore. Sound familiar?

Now, Afghans have a week to hand over their firearms. I'm assuming, "or else." This is from the Taliban spokesman. Yes, the Taliban has a spokesman:

"Announcement of the security organs of the Islamic Emirate: In Kabul, all those who have the means, weapons, ammunition and other government goods are informed to hand over the mentioned objects to the relevant organs of the Islamic Emirate within a week. So that there is no need for the offenders to be prosecuted or dealt with legally if they are discovered."

These next items are things that have happened in the news. Whether or not you think any combination of them may be related is on you.

Of course, the leaders in this country would NEVER DREAM of going door to door and grab guns like the Taliban is doing. Or announce to the American people they have a week to turn in their firearms or face consequences. After all, we have a constitution. These people have sworn an oath to defend that constitution.

But I can't help but notice that certain people come after a citizen's gun rights as soon as those people take power. Those people all have similar rhetoric over who "needs" what guns. The difference is in how brazen they are in achieving their end goal, and how easily the citizens are ready to comply.

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