Saturday, August 28, 2021

Someone Lost Their Job Over Biden's Afghan Debacle. It's This Marine Who Criticized It.

Someone Lost Their Job Over Biden's Afghan Debacle. It's This Marine Who Criticized It.
Brodigan - August 28, 2021 at 08:19AM

Joe Biden's gross incompetence in Afghanistan started to be on display two weeks ago. Almost everything he said was contradicted by media reports. Members of his own party have called him out. When he speaks to the press, or tries speaking to the press (since saying words isn't his strong suit), he makes matters worse. Then on Thursday, a terror attack killed twelve Marines and a Navy Corpsman, among close to two hundred others. We need more answers than we're being given. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller posted a video asking for answers, starting with his commanding officers.

"I'm making [this video] because I have a growing discontent and contempt for my perceived ineptitude at the foreign policy level and I want to specifically ask some questions to some of my senior leaders."

"I'm not saying we need to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, 'Hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone?' Did anyone do that? And when you didn't think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, 'We completely messed this up?'"

Those are important questions to ask, and Lt. Col. Scheller even says in the video he realized he was risking a lot by asking them. Like, his job that he no longer has. Lt. Col. Scheller posted on Facebook that he has "been relieved for cause based on lack of trust and confidence as of 14:30 [Friday]."

I get it. Enlisted members can't criticize the chain of command. Lt. Col. Scheller understood that when he made the video. I'm not angry that he has been fired since Lt. Col. Scheller knew the risks when he posted on Facebook and isn't upset himself. Or, if he is upset that he got fired, he isn't public about it.

I am however angry that out of all the gross incompetence we've seen over the past two weeks, gross incompetence that -- whether you believe directly or indirectly -- led to twelve marines and a navy corpsman being killed in a terror attack, the only person unemployed is a Marine who asked questions about it.

The people who made the decisions, including our dementia-riddled president who barely knows where he is, still have their jobs. Biden even keeps trying to blame his predecessor instead of taking responsibility. Yes, "independent" "fact" checkers. I know Biden SAYS he takes responsibility. It's always followed with a "but..." and him blaming other people. That means he doesn't take responsibility.

No one in Washington DC is going to be held responsible. But this Marine doesn't have a job anymore. Think about that.

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