Thursday, August 26, 2021

Former Marine Jesse Kelly Absolutely Destroys Biden & 'Scumbags in the White House' for Afghanistan Disaster

Former Marine Jesse Kelly Absolutely Destroys Biden & 'Scumbags in the White House' for Afghanistan Disaster
Courtney Kirchoff - August 26, 2021 at 09:09PM

Jesse Kelly, a host on a syndicated radio show and something of a Twitter celebrity. I have to admit that I didn't follow him until just now. What happened was I came in from outside and did my social media rounds just to see how much worse the world got as I trimmed a fraction of the grass on my sprawling grassy estate. That's when I saw Jesse Kelly light it up on Tucker Carlson's show. It's okay if you, like me, hadn't watched Jesse before. To get a taste before we roll tape, this is Jesse:

Okay, yeah. I might buy him a drink.

Now let's roll the tape:

I haven't used this gif in a while, so allow me:

Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF Giphy

Earlier today I wrote an open letter saying Joe Biden has blood on his hands. I guess the point I missed is that Joe Biden doesn't care. The people around Joe Biden don't care. I'd wager a great many voters of Joe Biden do not care.

Joe Biden doesn't care about you, me, anybody. He and his ilk care about power, how to get it, how to keep it, how to snatch up more of it. By the way, so do a lot of Republicans. Not just a Democrat problem, but for now, the Democrats ARE the biggest problem. Why else would the string-pullers behind Joe Biden clear the field to supplant a half-dead flesh sack? They did it so they could run him and push through their agenda with no resistance. Here we are. It's working.

What's scarier are the countless legions who voted for Biden knowing Biden was a half-dead flesh sack. They're the super villains deserving of the threatening string music. Why? Because they walk among us, usually masked and vaxxed.

Sorry, I feel like I got a little off topic. Jesse Kelly is right. We're right to be angry. But let's use our anger wisely to ensure something like this cannot happen again.

from Steven Crowder Says