Friday, August 20, 2021

Afghan Woman Unloads on Joe Biden Going on Vacation While Her Country Burns ... Because of Joe Biden

Afghan Woman Unloads on Joe Biden Going on Vacation While Her Country Burns ... Because of Joe Biden
Brodigan - August 20, 2021 at 09:42AM

Joe Biden has a plan for the chaos he caused in Afghanistan. He's hoping that you'll forget about the chaos he caused in Afghanistan. It probably won't be today, because he is scheduled to read a speech from a teleprompter and call it a press conference at 1:00 today. It probably also won't be today as more people see videos like this coming out of Afghanistan.

Biden, listen to me carefully. You destroyed not Afghanistan but the world. ...

You right now are on vacation and our country is burning and bleeding to death while you're on vacation. And you call yourself a president?

"This woman should calm down. The United Nations sent a really strongly worded letter to the Taliban." -Probably Jen Psaki right now as she drinks tequila straight from the bottle.

Guess where Joe Biden is going back to after he speaks today?

At 2:00 pm he leaves the White House to resume his vacation in Delaware.

Here's the thing with all this, because there are two competing stories. One is whether or not we should have left Afghanistan. The other was the incompetent way Joe Biden left. Where he ignored his experts, ignored the world community, refused to take questions, let one story of incompetence after another story of his incompetence go unanswered, and in the vacuum of his lack of leadership, no one knows what's going on or who made what decision when based on what intelligence.

Of course, the polls say the American people support leaving. Polls have been saying that for years. There isn't outrage because we left. There is outrage over the way it happened, and that is all the fault is Joe Biden.

Joe Biden thinks the American people are going to forget that he has tried distracting us with mask mandates and infrastructure. We can't let him get away with doing so.

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from Steven Crowder Says