Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Justin Trudeau Shatters Glass Ceiling of Virtue Signalling, Promises 'She-covery' from the 'She-cession'

Justin Trudeau Shatters Glass Ceiling of Virtue Signalling, Promises 'She-covery' from the 'She-cession'
Brodigan - August 18, 2021 at 09:51AM

It's been a minute since we've heard from Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau. Not that our favorite walking mound of soy and hair product hasn't continued to be terrible. But we have our own embarrassing chief executive to worry about in America. And in times when we need a warning from overseas, Australia has been coming in clutch. IFP Trudeau has become a bit of a viral sensation because of this video, where he replaces "re-" with "she-" to show how full of caring he is. Just like a Care Bear. I half expected a bottle of maple syrup to shoot out of his stomach.

It is exactly the example of the kind of things you need to do to counter the she-cession and turn it into a she-covery. The fact is, the Conservatives don't talk about that in their lengthy platform.

No one seems to know what the deuce Trudeau is talking about. So I consulted with my buddy Andrew Lawton who I turn to to explain Canada to me. Cut off from this video is IFP Trudeau saying conservatives (the Canadian kind) "don't talk about feminism. They don't talk about the impact, on women, of this crisis." Which is true. Conservatives tend not to segregate people by gender like leftist douchemooses as Trudeau does. They also don't eat vegan poutine like Justin.

This is Trudeau speaking out because someone has a different idea for how to spend money than he does. A conservative party spokesman tells Lawton.

The Conservative child care plan will provide direct benefits to parents so they can make the best choice for their own families, enabling more women to choose to participate in the workforce. Justin Trudeau's plan is an expensive Ottawa-knows-best approach.

Got it. So Trudeau and the conservatives have a different opinion on how to attack the same issue, as we do in America. Trudeau is using identity politics to attack his opponents as his counterparts do in America. Unclear is if Canadian conservatives will eventually capitulate in the end ... like they do in America.

Also unclear is if Justin Trudeau realizes what a shetard he sounds like when he says things like this. Or if he thinks he sounds intelligent and doesn't realize people are laughing at him. I'm guessing it's the latter and he works really hard at his shameless pandering. No one around him has the heart to tell him the truth.

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