Saturday, April 9, 2022

Bill Maher Mocks Dennis Prager's Claim Liberals Think Men Can Menstruate in 2019, Looks Like an Idiot Now

Bill Maher Mocks Dennis Prager's Claim Liberals Think Men Can Menstruate in 2019, Looks Like an Idiot Now
Joseph Gunderson - April 09, 2022 at 07:12AM

One of these days, Democrats might finally learn that the interwebs is forever. It’s nearly impossible to escape. And as the left skips merrily down the path of insanity, it’s funny to see how all the slippery slopes the right pointed out only a handful of years ago were used as waterslides for the radicals, and now, here we are.

In a video making the rounds on social media, Dennis Prager joined a panel of leftist dimwits on a 2019 episode of Bill Maher’s show. The conversation is about the transgender ideology sweeping over the nation, and Prager gets right down to brass tax—a trait many of us have come to appreciate in him.

“These are giant, left-wing lies. To say that men can menstruate is a lie.”

Notice how the entire panel, including Maher, just laughs. Prager sounds like a crazy person. But he wasn’t and isn’t. Prager saw what was going on while the liberal troglodytes on the panel chose to either play act like they didn’t or were willfully ignorant of the movement taking place within their own party.

But as we look around today, as we see the transgender movement manifest in manifold ways—whether it be in sports, in medicine, in government policy—we know Prager was entirely correct. The government has changed policies to incorporate “men” who can menstruate. Wording has been changed to incorporate “men” who can get pregnant, “birthing person.” They allow “women” born as biological males to dominate women’s sports and say that children can be trans or nonbinary or genderfluid or gay or bisexual or queer as young as freakin’ kindergarten.

Prager wasn’t insane, nor were any of us who saw exactly what he saw back then. The leftists who allowed this to occur were insane. They still are. And it’s high time those of us who still have functioning brains force the left to contend with reality instead of the maniacal, fantastical delusions they’ve been wallowing in for the past decade.

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