Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Jimmy Fallon Breaks With Late-Night Hosts, Cracks Jokes About Vaccines Instead of Shill for Them

Jimmy Fallon Breaks With Late-Night Hosts, Cracks Jokes About Vaccines Instead of Shill for Them
Brodigan - April 05, 2022 at 09:19AM

Late-night comedy has become one big infomercial for Big Pharma. Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel on multiple occasions have shilled for the rNA vaccine that has made Big Pharma lots of money. It's been so transparent, "South Park" mocked them for it. That's what makes it so shocking to hear Jimmy Fallon make a joke ABOUT the vaccines. It was a lame, milquetoast joke. But considering if you don't put enough respect on Fauci's name you get accused of misinformation, it was risque. Risque-adjacent, at least.

The setup is a man who got 90 COVID vaccine shots to sell fake passes.

"Ninety doses! That man can eat fried bat for dinner and be fine.

The last time someone made a bat joke during late-night, they were accused of literally damaging the science with their words. Just saying.

Here's the bit that will get Fallon yeeted off Twitter. Or it would be if Fallon didn't have corporate overlords looking out for him.

"This is annoying. Even after ninety doses, the CDC says he'll probably need another booster in four months."

Before we go any further, here is the information the CDC has approved for you to know. I think the Facebook computers have moved on to track "misinformation" about Ukraine instead, but you can't be too sure.

You can guess what happens from here. As more conservatives point out the joke, more liberals will get angry that conservatives are enjoying something and lash out at Jimmy Fallon. They still don't trust him after he made the mistake of treating Donald Trump with respect instead of punching him in the nut sack. Unclear is if Fallon will offer a simple apology, or if the person who wrote the joke will be the one thrown under the wheels of the mobile vaccination unit.

Find out tomorrow when you see clips floating around the internet. I wouldn't expect you to watch the show.

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from Steven Crowder Says