Sunday, August 1, 2021

Congresswoman Tricks Runaway Texas Democrat Into Admitting Voter ID's Aren't Oppression

Congresswoman Tricks Runaway Texas Democrat Into Admitting Voter ID's Aren't Oppression
Brodigan - August 01, 2021 at 09:41AM

You need an ID to do most of anything in America. Yet, for whatever reason, Democrats feel needing one to vote is like if Jim Crow and former KKK Exhaled Cyclops Robert Byrd had a baby. It's one of the reasons so many Texas Democrats ran away to Washington DC, where they proceeded to cause a super spreader event. They wanted to block Texas's common-sense voter integrity laws. Even though, most of them don't know why. As evidence of this, Rep. Nancy Mace took Texas Democrat Rep. Senfronia Thompson for a journey of logic she wasn't expecting.

Crowder: Voter ID Is NOT Racist! | Change My Mind Clips

from Steven Crowder Says