Sunday, August 1, 2021

Trans Rock Band Throws Concert Outside Spa at Center of Transgender/Locker Room/Genitalia Controversy

Trans Rock Band Throws Concert Outside Spa at Center of Transgender/Locker Room/Genitalia Controversy
Brodigan - August 01, 2021 at 07:41AM

Wi Spa in Los Angeles is a front in our ongoing culture wars. On one side, people believe it is wrong for biological males to have their junk out in a women's locker room. The other side feels the first side is fascist and they are anti-fascist. It's been poppin' off ever since. Now, with live music! Trans BLM band Y.G.S.L.R.H. S.T.F.U.T set up to perform an impromptu concert outside of the spa.

To recap, a woman (biological) dosed off in the women's locker room at the spa. She was of the impression that being a woman (biological), the locker room was a safe space. When she woke up, she saw an exposed penis. Assuming it was a male penis -- as one might do -- in the women's locker room, she registered a complaint with the spa. The woman (biological) was informed she was mistaken. The penis in question belonged to a woman. That woman, while born a biological man and hence having what was commonly known as male genitalia, now identifies as a woman. Therefore, it was a woman's penis exposed in the women's locker room. Easy mistake, amirite? The original woman was still outraged though.

People have been wildin' outside the spa ever since. With anti-peen protesters beefing with the pro-weiner Antifa.

This is where trans non-binary punk band Y.G.S.L.R.H. S.T.F.U.T. comes in. According to The Post Millennial, the acronym stands for "YOU GUYS SUCK LIKE REAL HARD. SHUT THE F*** UP. THANKS." The performance was part of their Queerpocolypse world tour. Or, maybe it's just a tour of spas. That isn't clear.

"LA is our city, not the fascist's! QUEERS BASH BACK," the band wrote on Instagram while promoting the "protest performance." Queers Bash Back imagery is taken from the "Bash Back!" movement which "rejected heteronormative assimilation and stood for outright liberation." The band called all major politicians and LGBTQ organization who have not condemned or issued public statements about the Wi Spa protests "transphobes."

You may be wondering what trans-non binary punk rock sounds like. I got you, fam! This is from a November 2020 performance.

I'm just another cis-white male. I still have the old-fashioned view that boys have pee-pees and girls have woo-woos. Take my opinion with a grain of salt. But this all seems like an unnecessary brouhaha over a customer complaint. The biological woman in question is of the belief that dinkuses belong to men and therefore should not be flapping around in the women's locker room. She was informed it is spa policy that dinkuses are for everyone and can flap around wherever. The biological woman is taking her business elsewhere.

I can understand maybe one weekend of protests and counter-protesting. But for the pro-exposed schlong crowd to still be carrying on about it to where bands are jamming outside and shopping around mixtapes, it's a bit much. Yes, even for 2021 and even for Los Angeles.

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from Steven Crowder Says