Tuesday, August 17, 2021

'Most Embarrassing Military Outcome': Trump Unloads on Biden's Afghanistan Incompetence Over and Over Again

'Most Embarrassing Military Outcome': Trump Unloads on Biden's Afghanistan Incompetence Over and Over Again
Brodigan - August 17, 2021 at 06:42AM

Joe Biden addressed the American people about the mess he caused in Afghanistan. In his speech, he blamed everyone except himself. He SAID the buck stopped with him. And then he said "new president, who dis?" One person he really blamed is former President Trump. So much so that he actually had Trump's name in his mouth, as opposed to calling him "my predecessor" or "Orangeman bad."

Not amused by this, besides the American people, was Donald Trump himself, who spent Monday unloading on Biden's incompetence over and over and over again via press release. He has to send things via press release because, unlike the Taliban spokesman, Trump is still too hot for Twitter.

From the office of the former president:

"Can anyone even imagine taking out our Military before evacuating civilians and others who have been good to our Country and who should be allowed to seek refuge? In addition, these people left topflight and highly sophisticated equipment. Who can believe such incompetence? Under my Administration, all civilians and equipment would have been removed."

"Afghanistan is the most embarrassing military outcome in the history of the United States. It didn't have to be that way!"

"It's not that we left Afghanistan. It's the grossly incompetent way we left!"

My take is that multiple things can be true. There's an entire spectrum of opinions concerning the past twenty years. Should we have been there or shouldn't we have been there? Was it the right decision to pull out? We can acknowledge that there were only bad options and debate over which was the least bad of them.

While also pointing out the chaos and the Taliban taking over Afghanistan are all the fault of Joe Biden's incompetence. It's all because our puddingheaded president, who has been wrong about every major foreign policy decision of his 217-year career, ignored his experts and decided to f*ck around and find out. We needed a plan to leave AND Joe Biden is an idiot.


from Steven Crowder Says