Tuesday, August 17, 2021

'I Hope He Gets to Own Their Deaths Too': Veteran Unloads on Joe Biden's Speech, MSNBC Praising It

'I Hope He Gets to Own Their Deaths Too': Veteran Unloads on Joe Biden's Speech, MSNBC Praising It
Brodigan - August 17, 2021 at 07:20AM

Joe Biden spoke to America and tried to pass the buck for his incompetence in Afghanistan. A surprising number of cable news talking heads are actually holding Biden accountable for now. But, of course, MSNBC has to be MSNBC. Brian Williams brought on Matt Zeller to join him in praising our puddingheaded president. Zeller is a veteran and the founder of No One Left Behind, an organization that "ensures that the United States keeps its promise to care for those who jeopardize their safety for our country." Also, he ran for Congress in New York as a DEMOCRAT.

Williams, a veteran in his own right, set up Zeller by saying Joe Biden "owned" his decisions. You and I know Biden did nothing of the sort. And I don't think Williams was expecting Zeller to disagree as well.

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