Monday, August 16, 2021

Admit it, Democrats: Joe Biden is an Embarrassing Failure

Admit it, Democrats: Joe Biden is an Embarrassing Failure
Courtney Kirchoff - August 16, 2021 at 06:00PM

Before we begin, what's Joe Biden's biggest success? I'm accepting all answers here. Ah heck, I'm willing to dial it back. Name one Biden success story, even a mild one hardly worth mentioning. Did he manage to keep his grab hands off a child within his reach? Because I am willing to concede my bias against Sleepy Joe is due to a conservative worldview. When I look at Joe Biden, I don't see a success story, I see an appearance in a documentary about the warning sings of child predation. Or perhaps a documentary titled Hookers, Heroin and Lost Laptops.

On Monday — today — former Vice President Joe Biden's administration withdrew from Afghanistan after our troops occupied the region for 20 years. As I look through my crystal clear hindsight lenses, I'm not sure the initial decision to invade was such a wise choice, but that's a subject for another time. Withdrawing from Afghanistan wasn't ever going to be easy. Withdrawing from Afghanistan was never going to be without hiccups. Consider that wiggle room. But what we saw today was more than a little blunder. This isn't like Obama's Healthcare dot gov's bumpy rollout in a time when had redefined internet commerce. Today's Kabul spectacle was a giant eff you see kay up which has the great misfortune of being compared to Saigon. Yikes.

There's a lot more at play here than Biden's reputation, pathetic though it may be. People are in danger, people are being killed. Lives we might have been able to save with an exit strategy that was a little better than the one rolled out.

For example.

The pullout from Afghanistan is a disaster. A dangerous, colossal disaster.

Which leads me to my initial question and premise. Joe Biden, even if he is just a flesh puppet controlled by others, pulling the fraying mental fibers of his addled mind, is hardly the pillar of achievement. What has he actually done? Pre-senile. I'm seriously asking. Because it's one thing for a person of accomplishment to take on something like a military withdrawal and FUBAR it. It's quite another thing when a person with a long, sordid history of government occupancy thinks he can take the big job and then FUBAR it. If you haven't a history of success, if you haven't even a handful of "atta boys" to your name, what kind of hubris does it take to saunter up to a military withdrawal in an Islamic nation where America has had an occupation of sorts for 20 years, thinking it'll go on just fine?

Memory refresher, in July of this year, Joe Biden dismissed the idea of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan:

The Taliban has taken over Afghanistan.

But hey, at least Joe Biden, or the series of unknown people pulling his strings, isn't Donald Trump, am I right? No more misspelled words in tweets! Thank God we're no longer dealing with THAT embarrassment!

The main strategy of the Biden Administrator seems to be to blame Trump. I'd like to note that while Trump put the withdrawal idea on the map, he probably didn't intend for Biden to roll it out. He probably intended to take it on himself, thinking he'd win re-election. So let's dial back the "Trump wanted us out and Biden just followed the plan." Because Biden is his own president (so we're told) and can actually make a few changes to a few plans. Also, let's remember Barack and Joe ran the show for 8 years before Trump's four. This is the long way of me saying dump the Trump blames. Hopefully the rhyme will help it sink in.

He acts as though he's a newcomer. Biden has worked in government for most of his life. Including serving 8 years as Vice President. But I repeat myself.

Then there's this:

As the kids would say "the tweet didn't age well."

Here's the deal though. If you can't name a Biden success story, if you can't even name a modest "hey, yeah he did this thing that was all right" and Biden has served in government for most of his life, then how much of his record of failure now affecting foreign policy like this fall on the people who voted for him?

Hey, I'm just playing by the rules set by the narrative-pushers. Trump-voters were treated to quite a bit of abuse for the past four years at the hands of Trump-haters. So I have to ask. Biden has a history of screw-ups. Biden has a history of gaffes. Biden has a history of questionable ties. Biden's Administration was in command during the Afghanistan Pullout of 2021 resulting in the Taliban regaining control of the region.

Should we blame Biden who has very little success to his name and a long enough time to rack up a few? Or the people who trusted him based on... what exactly?

I'm just asking the question.

from Steven Crowder Says