Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Joe Biden, Again: No, Seriously, I'm Coming for Your Guns. That's Not Malarky

Joe Biden, Again: No, Seriously, I'm Coming for Your Guns. That's Not Malarky
Brodigan - August 04, 2021 at 08:20AM

My position is that, as long as we agree on the first and second amendment, we can respectfully disagree on almost everything else. Joe Biden is an enemy of both. The most popular president ever appeared on CNN last month and told America he wants to ban a lot of guns, including some pistols. Politi"fact" was quick to come to his defense, claiming he didn't say what he actually said. The "independent" "fact" checkers may need to clean up after President Puddinghead some more. Yesterday, he said again what they said he didn't say the last time.

The idea anyone needs for a pistol and or a rifle ten rounds, it just makes no sense. Zero. It doesn't violate anyone's second amendment rights to do that."

"The idea anyone needs a pistol with six rounds makes no sense. It doesn't violate the second amendment." - President Kamala Harris.

"The idea, like, anyone needs, like, a pistol makes no sense. It doesn't violate the second amendment. Also, guns, are, like, white supremacy." - An overly dramatic President AOC while she frantically waves her arms.

"The idea anyone needs a second amendment doesn't make sense." - President Nancy Pelosi's Head Preserved in a Jar.

And America goes slip-sliding away down the slope.

Even before Biden's last two performances, even before he got elected president, he said he's coming for our guns. He's trying to put failed Uncle Arthur impersonator David Chipman in charge of taking our guns. The media is fond of saying conservatives are paranoid about "people" coming for our tools of self-defense. Biden can't be any more clear about it. He's a speech away from holding up a sign of a Walther with a ban sign over it and pointing at the camera saying "this means you."

This White House throws a lot at us to worry about. Like, a lot a lot. But Biden's hatred of guns and the second amendment is ALWAYS something he circles back to. We can divide amongst ourselves who is paying attention to reckless spending and who is paying attention to the border crisis. Every time Joe says the word "pistol," stop what you're doing and make sure everyone knows about it.

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from Steven Crowder Says