Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Joe Biden Admits His Eviction Moratorium May Not Be Constitutional. He Doesn't Care, But You Need To

Joe Biden Admits His Eviction Moratorium May Not Be Constitutional. He Doesn't Care, But You Need To
Brodigan - August 04, 2021 at 07:26AM

Joe Biden, the president of the United States, the most popular president ever, and a man whose brain is not literal pudding, told the press yesterday he is doing something that may not be constitutional. Also, he doesn't care because it will take the courts a while to declare it unconstitutional. It's the eviction moratorium. If you rent to someone and they break the contract, you just need to shut up about it. The CDC compels you.

How did we get here? The government shut down America, making it difficult for people to make money and pay rent. Also, making it difficult for the people who OWN properties to collect rent they rely on for income. A law was passed based on CDC guidelines that being evicted would affect the "public health crisis." We'll circle back to that. What this means was that if you break your contract with your landlord, they can't evict you. Even though they continue to absorb the costs of owning a rental property.

Eventually, the supreme court got around to declaring this unconstitutional. Which it is. But they left it in place because it was going to expire soon. Also, they're a bunch of pussies. Even Brett Kavanaugh.

Rep. AOC staged a photo op on the steps of the Capitol to protest it. Nancy Pelosi blamed the White House. The White House blamed Nancy Pelosi. It got to where they turned once again to the CDC, a federal agency of unelected bureaucrats, to save them. Per the CDC:

The eviction moratorium allows additional time for rent relief to reach renters and to further increase vaccination rates. In the context of a pandemic, eviction moratoria—like quarantine, isolation, and social distancing—can be an effective public health measure utilized to prevent the spread of communicable disease. Eviction moratoria facilitate self-isolation and self-quarantine by people who become ill or who are at risk of transmitting COVID-19 by keeping people out of congregate settings and in their own homes.

Because a collective of unelected bureaucrats has declared something a public health crisis, a collective of elected nincompoops have effectively "seized" property. You may OWN the property on paper. But in the name of the CDC, you no longer have control of the property. Joe Biden knows it's unconstitutional. Democrats know it's an unpopular decision, hence them not having the balls to do something about it on their own. And the CDC proves once again they are easily bullied into making political decisions.

It's not unlike when Democrats demanded the CDC do something about masks. Then CDC announced new guidelines saying v*cc*nated people need to wear masks because they can still get sick. When people asked for data, they presented two faulty studies that made it sound like v*cc*nes don't work. When that was unpopular, they said to blame people who decided against getting their shots. These are the geniuses our alleged president is taking his orders from.

Joe Biden, to the press, declared the Constitution null and void as long as the CDC declares something a "public health crisis." There is nothing that Democrats won't and don't claim is a "public health crisis," like guns. The people who control Biden know there will be no penalty for doing so. Why? Because the people whose job it is to hold Biden accountable (the mainstream media) are all socialist assclowns themselves.

They want us to give away our rights to medical decisions because "the CDC says so." Our right to property goes out the window because of a public health crisis. And Joe Biden already doesn't care what the Constitution says about guns. All the things people warned us at the beginning of the pandemic (hi Courtney) that the government would do? They're doing it.

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