Friday, August 6, 2021

'I'm a Hustler': Arkansas Releases Interesting Ad Promoting V*cc*ne to Black People and Twitter's Got Jokes

'I'm a Hustler': Arkansas Releases Interesting Ad Promoting V*cc*ne to Black People and Twitter's Got Jokes
Brodigan - August 06, 2021 at 09:08AM

You may not know this if you watch CNN. But there is a LOT of v-word hesitant people living in America who aren't white, MAGA hat-wearing Fox News viewers. People who, again, contrary to what CNN will tell you, aren't hesitant because of memes shared by white doctors. African-American people make up a large amount of Americans who have not gotten at least one dose of their Faucie Ouchie. How leaders are addressing this issue varies from state to state. Bill de Blasio is mandating that white NYC business owners discriminate against the hesitant and refuse their business.

In Arkansas, they're trying YouTube ads. This one is ... interesting.

You have to understand. I'm a hustler. I'm a legit entrepreneur. I sell things.


Oh, and the guy's name is Richard Johnson. Dick Johnson. So, there's that.

I come in contact with people all the time. I have to stay safe. I didn't have the choice but to trust the vaccine. If you live the lifestyle I live and you out here in these streets and you hustlin'. An entrepreneur like me? Why not do it safely?

Not being a member of the African-American community, I can't say if this ad will work. I mean, I personally find it inspiring. But I'm not the target audience. I reached out to the digital agency responsible for this ad to ask what the response rate has been. The executive who both wrote and filmed the ad had this to say.

Twitter, of course, had jokes.

Lots and lots of jokes.

This one is my favorite. Make sure your audio is on.

If I don't have to update this post admitting that I fell for a hoax, I'm going to be disappointed. Otherwise, it would mean a government agency thought a "hustler" named "Richard Johnson" who is "out on these streets" selling "things" is an effective way to address people who aren't sure about getting their shots. Though even all that is less surprising than the fact Joe Biden didn't think of this first.

So to all you hustlers, killers, murderers, and drug dealers ... even some of you strippers, please remember that we are hashtag all in this together. Go out and make that personal medical decision your government wans you to make!

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