Friday, August 6, 2021

Conservative Congressman Gives PERFECT Response to Nancy Pelosi's Unscientific Mask Mandate

Conservative Congressman Gives PERFECT Response to Nancy Pelosi's Unscientific Mask Mandate
Brodigan - August 06, 2021 at 07:53AM

Florida Congressman Byron Donalds is rapidly becoming a favorite of mine. I'm not the kind of conservative who believes in running away from blue states to red states. But between Donalds and America's governor Ron DeSantis, it's not like I didn't give New York a shot. A man can only fight socialist policies and unaffordable costs of living for so long. As more NYers relocate to the Sunshine State, I'm sure the bagels and the pizza will stop sucking.

Donalds had a kibitz with Bongino about Nancy Pelosi's mask mandate. The unscientific one based on two questionable, "the science"-challenged studies. The mandate where Pelosi wanted people arrested for not following her decree. Will Donalds comply? Nope.

The clerk on the floor looked at me and said, "Sir, do you know you need a mask?" I looked at her and said "That's what I heard, but I'm not doing it. So you do what you have to do."

The thing to remember is when you hear about Pelosi's unscientific mandate, it's not just the Republican congressmen she's launching a political attack against. It's everyone who works or comes to see those congressmen. Donalds has their back as well.

I also told my staff that I will protect them because they work for me. They don't work for Nancy Pelosi.

The visitors who come to my office come to see me. They'd don't come to see Nancy Pelosi. And I'll protect them in our nation's capitol.

It's really simple. Just say no. This isn't April 2020. It's August 2021. We know more about the virus. Or, viruses. Both the 'rona as well as the liberals exploiting it for political reasons. It's a time for leaders to stand up. Stand athwart history, yelling "take this piece of cloth that doesn't actually protect you and stick it up your nose."

Note to "independent" "fact" checkers, I'm only citing Biden's C*VID expert about common masks not working. I don't mean the n95 mask when it's properly handled and washed.

In less than a year, Rep. Byron Donalds has shown he's that leader. We will be watching his career with great interest.

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