Friday, August 6, 2021

Warning: They're Trying to Sneak Joe Biden's Mileage Tax on the Middle Class Into the Infrastructure Bill

Warning: They're Trying to Sneak Joe Biden's Mileage Tax on the Middle Class Into the Infrastructure Bill
Brodigan - August 06, 2021 at 07:16AM

Take a trip back in time with me. It's March 2021. An innocent time, where we only assumed how bad Joe Biden was going to be before he validated those fears. Biden's transportation secretary Poot Buttgig went on CNBC and said a mileage tax on the American citizens would be dope. If you drive, like most of us in the middle class do, we'd be taxed per mile we drove. A tax hike on the middle class tends not to be politically popular. Democrats usually have to lie and say their tax hikes are only on billionaires. This was floated up as a trial balloon that was quickly popped. To quote Poot Butttgig, the mileage tax "was not part of the conversation about this infrastructure bill."

Except, look what they're trying to sneak in the 2700+ page "infrastructure" bill. As per the Washington Times:

Tucked within the 2,702-page infrastructure bill is obscure language requiring the Department of Transportation to test the feasibility of taxing drivers for the number of miles they travel. The tax would be broad enough to target any "passenger motor vehicles," including light and medium-to-heavy duty trucks.
The bill also requires Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (or their successors) to report to Congress about the findings of the program within three years of its creation.

Please hold your anger until the end.

Those findings, the bill's authors say, can then be used by federal lawmakers to assess whether such a tax should be implemented...

Okay, now.

And when federal lawmakers assess the situation, what do we think a Democrat-controlled Congress's assessment would be? Three years from now would be after the midterm elections. I'd like to think Democrats will no longer be in control. I also wouldn't bet the rent against Republicans finding a way to muck that up.

A mileage tax means for middle-class Americans, particularly those of us in suburban and rural areas, EVERYTHING WE DO becomes more expensive. Because we have to drive to get there. We have to drive to go to work. We have to drive to buy groceries and other goods we need to survive. Goods, that are already more expensive under Joe Biden. Using fuel that is already more expensive under Joe Biden. But hey, at least he's not a jerk on Twitter. Amirite?

Here's the thing you need to remember about when Democrats float trial balloons for policies they know will be unpopular with the American people. The policies are coming whether the American people like it or not. The trial balloon is just to see how much Democrats need to lie or be deceitful about it. Biden's mileage tax is the latest example.

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