Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Female Inmate Now Pregnant After Transwomen Were Allowed into Female Prisons

Female Inmate Now Pregnant After Transwomen Were Allowed into Female Prisons
Courtney Kirchoff - August 10, 2021 at 12:04PM

If it isn't our old friend biology sneaking up on us for a dirty surprise. Despite every gender theorist bullying us with the "gender is a biological construct" hooey cudgel, it turns out when a man and a woman mix a few key fluids that only men and woman have, viola. Life finds a way. So it is in California prison systems occupied primarily by ladies with a few sly dudes in the mix. According to the Women's Liberation Front, there is at least one knocked up female felon in the clink. All thanks to the new cuddly prison policies courtesy of Governor Gavin Newsom, who's up for recall, and state senator Scott Weiner. Of course his last name is Weiner. I only hope his middle name is Richard. Newsom and Weiner got together to unite their male privilege and came up with a law allowing men who identify as ladies to go into prison with ladies. What could possibly go wrong.

Hat tip to Rebel News to alerting me of this travesty.

Far be it from me to employ feminist terms here, but how is SB 132 not encouraging rape culture? How is Scott Weiner and Gavin Newsom's actions in complete alignment with sexual predators and therefore kind of indicative of a "patriarchy" in the California Government?

This is the problem with liberal policies: they're dangerous. You can pick almost any liberal policy and if you follow the white rabbit down the trail long enough, the red drag queen will chop off your head.

Plenty of conservatives tried warning that disgusting, evil men would sneak through the "transwomen are women or else" narrative to get easier access to ladies in ladies-only-spaces. Now we have female prisoners getting pregnant. Probably via rape, if I were go guess. I have to ask, where are all the feminists who encourage transgender policies like this? And where are all the gender theorists explaining how such a thing could happen since constructs can't result in pregnancy? Maybe I missed them, but where are the transgender activists denouncing this behavior and law? Anyone?

Will Megan Rapinoe kneel for this cause?

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