Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Anthony Fauci on MSNBC: 'I Know Americans Like Their Freedom, but ...' Let Me Stop You There

Anthony Fauci on MSNBC: 'I Know Americans Like Their Freedom, but ...' Let Me Stop You There
Brodigan - August 10, 2021 at 01:14PM

Joe Biden and/or the idiots who control Joe Biden don't understand people's hesitancy. They also don't understand the American people. If they did, they wouldn't send Anthony Fauci out to say authoritarian horse manure like this.

"I know people must like to have their individual freedom and not be told to do something, but I think we're in such a serious situation now that under certain circumstances, mandates should be done."

Unlike the Joe Biden White House, I've spoken to people who are V-word hesitant. Unlike Joe Biden, I UNDERSTAND the hesitancy and the opposition to mandates and passports. I'll give you the top three:

3. We all have the internet and see what police-like states Australia and the United Kingdom are turning into. Just yesterday, we saw police ACTUALLY checking people's papers in France. We see it happening with our own eyes.

2. Our president is an idiot who thinks We the People yield our rights to him. We heard him say it with our own ears.

And number one with a bullet is maniacal, media-whoring, lifetime government bureaucrats like Tony Fauci who have been telling us since LAST YEAR to just shut up and do what we're told. We can smell his bullshit with our own noses. Unelected officials, and elected politicians who want to outsource their jobs to unelected officials, are the EXACT REASON why people are hesitant to stick a needle in their arms that is still considered "experimental." AND why those of us who got the shot and those who haven't BOTH have a problem with unelected bureaucrats thinking they can mandate us to make personal medical decisions. AND why both groups of us have an issue with being told you should have freedoms stripped from you unless you do what the federal government wants you to.

It's never "just this one time." Once people who don't think citizens should be allowed freedoms to begin with con citizens into giving some of those freedoms up, there's always another "just the one time"

Anthony Fauci and the people who run Joe Biden know this. They think you're too stupid to realize it.

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from Steven Crowder Says