Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Joe Biden Says Andrew Cuomo has Done a 'Hell of a Job' as Governor. A Few Things...

Joe Biden Says Andrew Cuomo has Done a 'Hell of a Job' as Governor. A Few Things...
Courtney Kirchoff - August 10, 2021 at 08:22PM

Let's follow the order of operations. Former Vice President Joe Biden was asked about Governor Cuomo's job as governor, separate from Governor Cuomo copping feels and squeezing butts. Biden said Cuomo "did a hell of a job." Here, watch him say it so you know I'm not making it up:

The hot take around the interent was basically Cuomo lied and old people died. COVID, in my opinion, doesn't rise to the level of shutting down the entire country and forcing people to live lives of solitude against their will. That said, the virus is deadly to the old and infirm. Cuomo's disastrous nursing home policy was rather like driving a flaming car into a pool of gasoline. It could and has been argued that Governor Andrew Cuomo should go to prison for murder. Joe Biden, either because he agrees old people should be shoved together in super spreader scenarios to fan the flames of a virus, or because he doesn't recall Cuomo's nursing home policy, thinks Cuomo "did a hell of a job" and sees Cuomo's resignation from politics as "so sad."

That was that question.

A separate reporter, Kaitlan Collins from This is CNN, followed up with a question of her own. Basically, how can you say Cuomo was a great governor when he's accused of sexual misconduct ON THE JOB?

Now listen, I am all about separating the art from the artist. Okay? Okay. But when the artist includes bodily fluid in the art, I can frown at both. If Andrew Cuomo was a sexual abusing deviant ON THE JOB then should his ON THE JOB behavior factor in to how he's performed ON THE JOB?

It pains me to have to defend a reporter from CNN. Truly it does. But personal conduct at work isn't really personal conduct, is it? If I'm at work and I walk up to Gerald Morgan Jr. and grab his butt cheek to congratulate him for a good show, is "but it's just my personal conduct" going to fly when Gerald and his wife take issue? If I said "But Gerald, it's what we'd do on a football field" matter in how my job performance, on the whole, is evaluated? I don't think so. I thought, and someone smarter than me can correct me if I'm wrong, that your conduct ON THE JOB is called "professional conduct" and not "personal conduct." Methinks "Yeah, but one time Courtney grabbed someone's ass" would follow me around despite how well I might craft a sentence.

Not that I enjoy repeating myself, but if you're accused of being a sexual deviant ON THE JOB and some of your ON THE JOB policies resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, maybe, just maybe, you didn't do a "hell of a job." Maybe what you did was instead just "hell."

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