Tuesday, August 10, 2021

CNN Encourages Donations to 'Mother of Three' About to be Evicted. Turns Out, the Woman Was Lying ...

CNN Encourages Donations to 'Mother of Three' About to be Evicted. Turns Out, the Woman Was Lying ...
Brodigan - August 10, 2021 at 09:49AM

Last week, the unelected bureaucrats at the CDC overruled the Supreme Court and declared renters do NOT have to pay rent for a few months more. CNN introduced us to Dasha Kelly. It was somewhere between Congresswoman Cori Bush and social media influencer AOC overthrowing Nancy Pelosi with a publicity stunt, and Joe Biden admitting what he was doing was illegal, but "meh." She was a single mother of three about to be evicted. She was WHY Congress needed to pass the moratorium.

Dasha Kelly and Cori Bush on CNN's Erin Burnett Outfront youtu.be

Donations came rolling in. CNN promoted a GoFundMe to help this single mother of three keep a roof over her poor little babies' heads. When Joe Biden signed what he admitted was an illegal act, Kelly was held up as a reason why.

Turns out the broad was lying.

After CNN originally aired her story, Dasha Kelly clarified to CNN that she is not the mother of the three children featured in the story. CNN has verified she takes care of the children in her home for periods of time. She says she originally described herself to CNN as a mother because she considers herself to be like one to them. CNN has learned the children are also cared for by their mother, Shadia Hilo, and their father, David Allison, who is Kelly's boyfriend.

They weren't her kids. They were the boyfriend's kids. GoFundMe is offering refunds. Any leftover donations will be split between the kids and Kelly.

CNN, a "news" organization, saw a story that fit its narrative and leftist political agenda without doing ANY research. Knowing how easy it is for people to LIE ON SOCIAL MEDIA, you would think a "news" network would do the slightest bit of legwork. But this is the network that still employs Chris Cuomo. Journalistic integrity is both racist and sexist.

People like Brian Stelter don't understand why people hate and don't trust the media. He should watch CNN occasionally to get an idea.


Part 2 | I'm Getting Heart Surgery #shorts #louderwithcrowder youtu.be

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