Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Eliminates 'Breasts' to Be More Inclusive, and Well ... You Know

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Eliminates 'Breasts' to Be More Inclusive, and Well ... You Know
Brodigan - August 10, 2021 at 08:55AM

We live in the dumbest of times when even boobies are being canceled. Goodbye, hooters. Adios, knockers. Fare thee well, fun bags. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is demanding a change because the word "breast" is too gendered. This begs the question ... there is an academy for breastfeeding medicine?

You see, when God intelligently designed chesticles, He had a specific function in mind: to feed babies. It wasn't until later on when dudes and hot chicks discovered the recreational purposes as well. When people whom we used to refer to as "mothers" and "women" have babies, their mammary glands secrete a nutrient to help feed their newborn children. But that was from a bygone era of 2019. It's 2021 and we've since moved on to the more inclusive "birthing people." "Breasts" too must now change because everything is terrible.

As per the ABM (and eventually Joe Biden since he believes anything the far left tells him to believe), the following words are old and busted:

  • Breast
  • Breastfeeding
  • Breastmilk
  • Breastfeeding mother
  • Male/female

The new hotness is as follows:

Think of the poor woman who wasn't born a woman. Therefore — she — wasn't born with mammary glands or any other woman parts. When she tries breastfeeding a baby and the baby isn't getting food, because the baby is essentially just sucking on the -- woman's -- nipples, that mother might feel bad about herself. There is a need, some believe, to be more inclusive of her feelings. Others fall victim to the natural instinct to call CPS and report child abuse. Again, it's 2021. There is what's moral and right. And then there's whatever the freaks at Facebook write into their community guidelines.

The next time you see a woman breastfeeding in public, please be mindful. She might be a "he." And "they" might be chestfeeding their human's milk to ... however they identify the lifeform that came out of whatever body part identifies as a uterus. Now if you'll excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth.


from Steven Crowder Says