Thursday, August 5, 2021

'Why Won't You Speak to Us?': CNN Hunts Down Private Citizen Over What They Call 'Medical Misinformation'

'Why Won't You Speak to Us?': CNN Hunts Down Private Citizen Over What They Call 'Medical Misinformation'
Brodigan - August 05, 2021 at 12:36PM

CNN is back to doxxing and harassing private citizens again. If you made a meme, shared a meme, or had a meme shared by Donald Trump, they would hunt you down and find you. This time, they went after a doctor who is one of the "12 People" a radical left-wing activist group claims is responsible for all the medical misinformation on Facebook.

CNN showed up at his office. CNN showed up at his house. CNN eventually hunted him down on a bike ride.

[We wanted to ask him] about the misinformation he's been posting like masks don't work, vaccines can be dangerous, and vitamin C or D can prevent or treat the coronavirus.

That's what the dude (I'm not going to repeat his name) has been allegedly posting on Facebook. I say allegedly because CNN didn't provide any actual Facebook posts in question.

"Masks don't work." Did he say NO masks work? Or was he talking about the non-medical, cloth ones we put over our faces, don't wash, and don't handle properly? Because a Biden advisor said this week ON CNN that those masks don't work. Go stick a microphone in his face.

"V*cc*nes can be dangerous." Well, yeah. Anything you put in your body CAN be dangerous. That's not misinformation as much as it is common sense. Without knowing what SPECIFICALLY he said or what he said SPECIFICALLY about this v*cc*ne, there's nothing to go on.

"Vitamin C or D." A doctor says you should take vitamins. To the gulag!

"Do you feel responsible for people who didn't get vaccinated and possibly got sick and died because of what you told them about the vaccines?"

F*ck you.

"What do you say to families who lost loved ones?"

"Sorry for your loss."

But to the tart from CNN, f*ck you twice.

"Are you spreading misinformation? Why won't you speak to us?"

Because f*ck you, that's why. No other reason than that.

If the concern is people not getting their Fauci Ouchie, CNN did nothing to change that. If anything, this assclown reporter just reminded those of us who got our shot and those who haven't how much CNN is the real enemy.

Want to address "v*cc*ne hesitancy?" Start by calling out Joe Biden's incompetent messaging, and how he doesn't know the White House's ass from the CDC's elbow. Start there.

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from Steven Crowder Says