Monday, August 9, 2021

White House Hires 'Influencer' to Hustle V*cc*ne, Tries Influencing You With ... Whatever the Hell This Is

White House Hires 'Influencer' to Hustle V*cc*ne, Tries Influencing You With ... Whatever the Hell This Is
Brodigan - August 09, 2021 at 05:35PM

I've figured it out. The Biden Administration doesn't actually WANT people getting their Faucie Ouchies. Or, at least not the people currently Fauci Ouchie hesitant. Deep down they are actually hoping that group of people gets taken out by Delta, Lambda, Kenny Omega, or whatever variant of the 'rona we're currently up to. It would mean fewer people to vote against them in the midterms. That's why they keep sending out failed messengers with questionable messages and suspect studies.

It's also why they released ... this.

If there was a way to give my v*cc*ne back, I would. The pain of having my blood drained and filtered can't be worse than watching videos like this. Or the one of Anthony Fauci reading tweets from people saying how pretty he is.

Apparently, this is Benny Drama. I'm assuming he's really popular on TikTok. I use words like "apparently" and "assuming" because I refuse to acknowledge "influencers" as real people and don't have the strength to do double-check my work.

Instead, I'm just here for the jokes.

It's like Jen Psaki gave him notes, "we need you to be 42% more ... you know."

There are some who disagree with my theory. They believe the strategy is to use videos like this to THREATEN people into getting their arm jabs.

That's the White House plan: Vax or Stockholm Syndrome.

People on Twitter view this video and believe that the Chinese are laughing at us. Respectfully, I disagree. President Xi knows if he gave us a hug right now and kept saying over and over "it's not our fault," we'd break down in tears.

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from Steven Crowder Says