Saturday, August 7, 2021

White House Demands Parents Blindly Follow Public Health Officials Unless Official Disagrees with White House

White House Demands Parents Blindly Follow Public Health Officials Unless Official Disagrees with White House
Brodigan - August 07, 2021 at 10:47AM

The never-ending struggle between good and evil, conservatives vs. socialists assclowns, can be reduced down to this. One side thinks you can make your own decisions. The other side believes you should shut up a listen to what the federal government tells you to do. Our most recently proxy battle involves masks and is between Ron "America's Governor" DeSantis and Joe "I Just Pooped" Biden.

The CDC, a sciency government agency known to make political decisions for unsciencey reasons, announced people should wear masks again. It's based on two studies that are questionable, but it's 2021 and we aren't allowed to question them. They want your kids in masks and Joe Biden does whatever the CDC tells him to do. Ron DeSantis says parents have the right to make decisions about their children. Biden's spokessoulessginger Jen Psaki says parents should shut up, not listen to politicians and only listen to public health officials. Who, are given jobs by politicians. Also, Psaki's five-year-old sets policy in her house.

One problem. Biden's former 'rona advisor Michael Osterholm, a public health official, recently went on CNN and said the cloth masks we most commonly use don't work. Lots of pro-Biden public health officials are going on CNN and saying crazy-ass things. But Osterholm -- again, a public health official Joe Biden trusted to advise him on the 'rona -- said something that challenged the Democrat narrative on masks. He even used science. Psaki, on behalf of the most popular president ever, says Osterholm doesn't count. Only listen to the medical experts employed by the federal government

There's oddles of science people can point to that contradicts Joe Biden's political agenda. He needs a public health crisis to force through things that have nothing to do with public health. But while plenty of science contradicts wearing masks, it's science that doesn't count because it's not THE science. AKA THE politics. AKA THE government. It's only "the science" if the federal government signs off on it.

Hey, at least the White House isn'tt pretending otherwise anymore!

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