Friday, August 6, 2021

SURVEY: We want to know YOUR THOUGHTS on This Week's News! (August 2-6)

SURVEY: We want to know YOUR THOUGHTS on This Week's News! (August 2-6)
Courtney Kirchoff - August 06, 2021 at 04:56PM

America, we made it to another Friday. I have to say, I wasn't sure we'd get here when I looked at Monday and it was so unapologetically Monday. But we did it, we're here, we're mostly okay. AOC is still a whackadoodle, Biden is still fondling kids, and Jen Psaki still wishes she was as effective as Kayleigh. So, another end to another week. Much to the chagrin of, well, all of us, Friday is still a workday. Yes, even Friday afternoon. It doesn't seem fair that a man can identify as a woman and compete in the Olympics, but a Friday afternoon can't call itself Saturday morning so we could all be in our sweatpants already.

Make your Friday afternoon better by working for your country. In the survey below you will find ten totally engaging, completely relevant, always informative questions about the news we brought you on this very website during this very week. We gave our opinions and now we want yours.

Make sure you answer, share it with your friends, and meet back here on Monday so we can review together!

Have a great weekend everyone.

from Steven Crowder Says