Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Ron DeSantis Doubles Down: Parents, Not Government, Should Decide if Their Kids Wear Masks

Ron DeSantis Doubles Down: Parents, Not Government, Should Decide if Their Kids Wear Masks
Courtney Kirchoff - August 11, 2021 at 04:30PM

Florida has to be thankful that "Florida man doing insane thing" has taken a backseat in the headlines to "Florida's Governor continues giving no f*cks." This week, Governor Ron DeSantis informed the educators, who insist they care so much about the children, that if they forced kids to wear masks, they weren't getting paid. Now DeSantis has doubled down: parents decide if masks are yay or nay for their children, not the government.

Paraphrased pull quote: "We think it's ultimately the parent's decision. We had a whole year to watch how this has developed in the United States. In Florida, we had schools that mandated [masks] and schools that didn't. And there wasn't a noticeable difference in COVID. But it has been difficult for young kids to sit there with this [mask] for 8 hours a day."

The audacity of a politician to say parents make better choices for their own children rather than government officials. Pretty soon DeSantis will suggest individuals are better able to make personal decisions for their own lives rather than government making their decisions. If that happens, look out. A pandemic of freedom and personal responsibility will threaten the nation, and will only be stopped by whining co-dependent brats that make up most of the left.

Also of note, this is DeSantis' press secretary's personal account:

The narrative is to push fear, always. But what happens if the nightmares aren't true, if the fear is unwarranted, and Florida is RIGHT? It would mean the exposure of the fear-mongering left led by Biden and his merry men with better memory retention.

In a nutshell, this take from Buck Sexton:

Whatever you may think about masks, can we admit wearing them is an uncomfortable experience? Common ground? Cooool. Though I haven't produced offspring, I do remember being a young whipper snapper myself. Getting children to comply with anything that is uncomfortable is an exercise in maddening frustration. Let's even forget masks and uncomfortable clothes. Stick a kid in a car for an extended period and see how well he or she copes with it. It's for this and many other reasons that I am personally against masking children. The many other reasons also include that I think it's cruel and harmful to their emotional and psychological development, and possibly their health. Not sure you can fact check me on that because we haven't any longterm studies on it, do we? Nope.

That's why parents should decide what's best for their child. Not government.

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