Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Border Patrol Facility is Packed with Immigrants. So Where is Media and AOC?!

Border Patrol Facility is Packed with Immigrants. So Where is Media and AOC?!
Courtney Kirchoff - August 11, 2021 at 03:06PM

Kids in cages were all the rage. When Trump was in office. Actually, allow me to restate. Kids in cages a policy put in place by Obama was all the rage when Trump was in office. No moment exemplified this more than the photoshoot of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fake-crying while standing not even close to any children in her view. Bear that in mind when you watch this short video, reportedly sent into TownHall by frustrated Border Patrol agents.

Looks tight. Looks uncomfortable. Looks like no one is standing six feet apart or delightfully encouraging anyone to take the vaccine in order to get back to normal. Looks like there's no Democrat in sight demanding better treatment of these undocumented migrants. Now sure, from the looks of this video, these are not children and they appear to be male, or at least present as male since we're not allowed to assume gender. But still, shouldn't the Democrats and their media BFFs shine more of a light on how these poor migrants are being treated?

Where's AOC? Where's the squad? Where is Nancy Pelosi telling us how these migrants are children made in God's image? Where is CNN's Jim Acosta writing diary entries at the border? Where are all the liberal virtue signalers on social media whose hearts are just breaking at the sight of these images?

Of course there's a chorus of crickets. Narratives are dependent on heroes and villains. A Democrat in the White House = Hero. A Republican in the White House = Make the devil pay.

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