Thursday, August 12, 2021

Pay Attention, America: Australia Lockdown Demands You Limit Movement, Not Have Conversations

Pay Attention, America: Australia Lockdown Demands You Limit Movement, Not Have Conversations
Brodigan - August 12, 2021 at 08:22AM

OK, America, take a knee. We need to kibitz. WAY TOO MANY of you, according to way too many polls, have let yourself be scared into being okay with government encroaching on our freedoms. "Oh, it's only a mask mandate." "Oh, it's only fifteen days to flatten the curve." Oh, if you think government won't go tyrannical if we let them, you need to take a long hard (giggity) look at Australia. The land down under, where women go and men die of heart attacks when police harass them about masks. Where police go door to door WITH THE ARMY to check your papers (as opposed to France, where they just go bistro to bistro).

And where now Aussies are being advised to limit movements and not talk to anyone. To paraphrase a popular regional chant at sporting events "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE, EAT A ..."

We need to limit our movements. We need to consider that whenever we leave our house that anyone with us and anyone we come into contact with could convey the virus. So, while it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately, this is not the time to do that.

Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking. Being ordered not to have to talk to people in public sounds delightful. Believe me, I get that. I struggled with it myself at the beginning of the pandemic. It wasn't the masks, and staying six feet away from others was already my default position. It was longing for the days of when I didn't leave my house out of personal choice and not because of the government ordering me not to. But a government with the power to order me not to is way worse than someone trying to start a conversation with me at the gym.

The government should NEVER be comfortable going on TV to "suggest" the people limit their movements. Or if you have to go outside — I don't know, because you like fresh air and sunshine — that you should refrain from talking to people. It goes from a "suggestion" to the cops ticketing you for having a conversation faster than the opening riff of "Thunderstruck." The cops are already going door to door. Again, WITH THE FREAKING ARMY.

If the Aussies are okay living in a police state, that's their business. Not having a Constitution or any idea of what freedom feels like, they may not know any better. Americans need to start acting like we know better. Don't think what's happening in Australia won't happen here if we let it.

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from Steven Crowder Says