Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Jennifer Aniston Won't Be There for You if You Refuse the Vaccine

Jennifer Aniston Won't Be There for You if You Refuse the Vaccine
Courtney Kirchoff - August 04, 2021 at 10:50AM

Actress Jennifer Aniston has opinions on those who refuse to take the "Fauci Ouchie," as Brodigan has coined it. She, like the many hordes in leftist Hollywood and media, has taken the brave stance of being pro-vaccine and yammering about it. Unique. Special. LEADER. In a recent interview for InStyle Magazine, Jennifer Aniston even admitted she's cut out those people who've refused the poke. After a mostly fawning exchange over Aniston's career, interviewer Laura Brown asked what Aniston watched on the boobtube besides The Bachleor. Aniston said she watched CNN, but didn't specify if she preferred Stelter, Cuomo, or Baldwin. I personally would've followed up but maybe that's why I wasn't invited.

Jennifer Aniston said this voluntarily about the vaccine:

"And there's still a large group of people who are anti-vaxxers or just don't listen to the facts," she complained. "It's a real shame. I've just lost a few people in my weekly routine who have refused or did not disclose [whether or not they had been vaccinated], and it was unfortunate. I feel it's your moral and professional obligation to inform, since we're not all podded up and being tested every single day. It's tricky because everyone is entitled to their own opinion — but a lot of opinions don't feel based in anything except fear or propaganda."

Okay my darling, you cannot sit in your casa de la piles of money, admit to watching CNN constantly, then accuse others of having opinions based in fear or propaganda. That's what I take issue with most of all. I already know the pro-vaccinated and shouting about it crowd are basically the worst among us. I've given my long opinion on the topic already, I shan't repeat myself here. But if you live in a bit of a bubble, then admit to injecting the words of CNN straight into your veins, and that's what's ultimately led to your choice to edit the friends list, oh girlfriend.

Also, and I can't state this enough, in theory and usually in practice, vaccines are taken to protect yourself against the virus. It's been a real genius brainwashing move for media and those who practice medical witchcraft, to switch the narrative, making people believe they're better people and saving the lives of others by getting jabbed. Let's not discuss the "rumor" that the Delta variant is running rampant through the vaccinated crowd. I'm sure such "rumors" aren't permitted in the free speech bastion of Big Tech.

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