Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Five Times Andrew Cuomo was a Garbage Human Other Than Sexually Harassing Someone or Killing Their Grandma

Five Times Andrew Cuomo was a Garbage Human Other Than Sexually Harassing Someone or Killing Their Grandma
Brodigan - August 03, 2021 at 12:20PM

On Tuesday, New York AG (stands for "Attorney General" or "Almost Governor") Tish James released her investigation into the sexual harassment claims against Andrew Cuomo. SPOILER: Andrew Cuomo is the scumbag we assumed he was. As I start writing this, democrat elected officials are sending out press releases calling for Cuomo to resign. It's very ironic since they all already called for him to resign when the accusations were made. Then proceeded to do nothing when he didn't resign. Why should Cuomo resign? He's a NY Democrat. The rules don't apply to NY Democrats Feeling bad about harassing your aides is for little people.

Here's the thing, though. Andrew Cuomo has always been a garbage human being. Even before he sent tens of thousands of New York paw-paws and me-maws to their deaths. Chris's idiot brother has always been horrible. Let's relive some of the classics.

1. Paroling a convicted cop killer.

In 1971, Herman Bell killed NYPD officers Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones. In 2018, Cuomo put Bell back out on the streets to the dismay of Piagentini and Jones's surviving family. Why he did this is anybody's guess. But five days earlier he tweeted out he viewed his role as governor " to put my thumb on the scales for social justice." That meant scumbags who killed cops.

2. Constant anti-gun pandering.

Using the freedoms he usurped from New Yorkers to now declare gun violence a "public health matter" isn't surprising. Pandering to anti-gun zealots was always his thing. Like the time he lied down in the street and played dead.

3. Saying America has "never been great."

There was a time when Cuomo was considered to be the frontrunner to run against Donald Trump in 2020. Since pandering to the unhinged left was the hoop Democrats have to jump through, Cuomo declared that "America has never been great." Get it? Since Trump made America great again, Cuomo had to say the exact opposite.

4. The most pro-abortion governor ever.

In 2019, while he was still pretending to run for president and pandering to the far left, Cuomo rammed through the most pro-abortion bill in the country. In a nutshell, if the baby isn't on its way out yet, it can still get snipped. Cuomo celebrated his pro-abortionness by lighting up the Empire State Building pink. New York Cardinals weren't amused. Neither was anyone with a sense of morals. That rules out the people who elected Andy.

NOTE: As I'm working on this post, Andrew Cuomo is blaming the victims.

5. Cares more about illegal immigrants than Americans

As Donald Trump directed ICE to enforce immigration laws, Andrew Cuomo took the opportunity to demonize ICE. His argument against ICE could be summarized as follows:

"ICE is enforcing the law. ICE is mean. ICE treats criminals like criminals. ICE is suspicious of people who stand up for those criminals, and that's just how big poo-poo heads behave. Stop ICE from being big meanie-pants! It's not fair! It's not nice! We must stop the law enforcement of illegal immigration! We need our slaves cheap labor of people who we keep as victims so we can continue funneling taxpayer money to those victims!"

Think about it. If the AG (almost governor) of New York was a Republican, not a single Democrat or talking head on CNN (but I repeat myself) would be bothered. If anything, they'd defend Cuomo and attack the Republican AG.

Andrew Cuomo has always been a piece of excrement. The only difference now is that Democrats have found people further to the left to him that they like more.

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