Tuesday, August 3, 2021

CNN's Chris Cuomo Busted Drafting Andrew Cuomo Excuse for Sexual Harassment Allegations

CNN's Chris Cuomo Busted Drafting Andrew Cuomo Excuse for Sexual Harassment Allegations
Brodigan & Kirchoff - August 03, 2021 at 01:54PM

The news has given us a lot to unpack. New York's AG's released her investigation into Andrew Cuomo being a sexually harassing deviant. Andrew Cuomo gave a press conference calling the report lies and blaming the victims. Let's not let this nugget from the investigation get lost. Chris Cuomo, the CNN reporter and Andy's Idiot Brother, has apparently drafted emails for Andy to deny the charges against him. How nice to keep the scum in the family. We know how much Chrissy hates Italian mob stereotypes so let this sentence act as one.

Let's talk about the statement, shall we? Some relevant pull quotes so you're not required to draw out a magnifying glass to read the tweet above:

"Questions have been raised about some of my past interactions with people in the office.

I spend most of my life at work and colleagues are often personal friends. I never intended to offend anyone or cause any harm. Sometimes I am playful and make jokes.

Where "playful" and "make jokes" might be motor-boating. Allegedly.

When it first got reported Chris Cuomo was on strategy calls, his excuse was that he was an "informal" adviser, and it was okay because he never covered the allegations on his show. A flimsy excuse at best, but give Chris credit. Fredo wouldn't provide such support to Michael. The thing is, Chris Cuomo has covered similar allegations against other public officials. Imagine Chris Cuomo's reaction if Brett Kavanaugh made that exact same response. Especially paired with liking beer.

It's as if Chris Cuomo knows media will believe whatever Andrew Cuomo wants them to believe. Because he has a (D-NY) after his last name and a funny looking brother in media. If there's a difference between media and politics, I can't see it.

I understand that my interactions may have been insensitive or too personal and that some of my comments, given my position, made others feel in ways I never intended.

Read: it's the victim's fault for misunderstanding the intent. An excuse Andy has tried before. It seems a lot of Democrats need to hear this, but generally speaking, most women can spot the difference between a man who's awkward and shy and a man who's a sleazy creep. Hint: the latter usually excuses it by saying he's "just a nice guy." Re-read the above excuse and apply.

Made worse is these "heartfelt" sentiments do not appear to be coming from Andy's heart at all. Chris Cuomo, an informal advisor, AND CNN employee, wrote this draft on February 28th. Townhall's Katie Pavlich shared a statement Andrew Cuomo released later that exact same day. It's a side by side and you'll need to click.

Do you see what I see?

Spare me the deluge from media that Andy is sorry and Chris isn't involved in what the family favorite is getting up to, especially if he's getting it up at woman who do not consent.

The Cuomo Brothers are a metaphor. An obvious, toxic metaphor. Chrissy-poo and Andykins have the same relationship Democrats have with media. They cover for each other, even if the accusations range from questionable to criminal. No questions asked. Because at their core, media and Democrats are family. Sometimes literally family. Sometimes via blood, sometimes via marriage, and often brothers from other mothers, sisters from other misters, and hey I remember seeing you on the Lolita Express to Pedophile Island, shame about Jeff, how've you been. Allegedly.

from Steven Crowder Says