Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Brian Stelter Embarrasses Himself Defending Chris Cuomo, CNN's 'Journalistic' 'Integrity'

Brian Stelter Embarrasses Himself Defending Chris Cuomo, CNN's 'Journalistic' 'Integrity'
Brodigan - August 11, 2021 at 09:50AM

When it doesn't involve watching Fox News, CNN's Brian Stelter really sucks at his job. Almost as bad as he sucks down his breakfast cheesecake every morning. After this appearance with Stephen Colbert, I'm guessing today was a two-cheesecake morning.

Our favorite genderless potato head is very chirpy when Tucker Carlson sneezes or because Fox News stars don't take selfies with needles sticking out of their arms. But when it comes to his ethically bereft employers and the disgraced governor of New York's idiot brother, who's to say what's "ethical" and what isn't?

STELTER: Some people are mad at him. By the way I can confirm the "New York Times" report. I'll confirm it for your viewers. I also have a source that says Chris was on the phone with his brother this week.

COLBERT: Is your source Chris Cuomo?

STELTER: He is not. He is not. You've got to have boundaries, you've got to draw lines.

COLBERT: Why? He doesn't!

The genderless potato head also said it was an "odd conflict" to have Chris Cuomo interviewing Andrew Cuomo every night with Cuomosexual fanfiction, but, and I quote, "if we open up the journalism ethics book, there's no page for this."

Dude, the journalism ethics book was WRITTEN because of things like this. Forget a page. It's the first chapter. "Why You Don't Interview Family Members and Are an Imbecile For Thinking You Can." The reasoning is as follows. When you are interviewing your brother who is the governor of the state with the highest C*VID death count, because he's your brother, you yuk it up with the Cuomo Brothers Comedy Hour. Instead of doing what a journalist should do and holding the governor accountable for the tens of thousands of MeMaws and PopPops whose blood he has on his hands.

I get that CNN's Brian Stelter doesn't watch CNN. But he watches enough Fox News to watch them talk about this happening at CNN. Put the gallon of Chunky Monkey down and take notes.

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