Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Biden Checking if He Has Power to Mandate Schools Force Your Kids to Wear Masks. He Doesn't, But ...

Biden Checking if He Has Power to Mandate Schools Force Your Kids to Wear Masks. He Doesn't, But ...
Brodigan - August 11, 2021 at 11:19AM

We've seen this movie before. Literally, last week. Joe Biden told income rental property owners to suck it and extended the moratorium on them being allowed to collect rent. Biden said — out loud — that he wasn't sure if it was legal and that courts would probably say it wasn't, but meh. Now President Puddingbrain is "checking" if he has the legal authority to force a nationwide mask mandate in schools. This is to counter people like Ron DeSantis, who, unlike the Biden White House, actually cares about children.

Part 2 | I'm Getting Heart Surgery #shorts #louderwithcrowder

from Steven Crowder Says