Thursday, August 5, 2021

'We Wonder Why People Hate the Media': Meghan McCain Destroys 'Cowards' at CNN

'We Wonder Why People Hate the Media': Meghan McCain Destroys 'Cowards' at CNN
Brodigan - August 05, 2021 at 08:53AM

Everything you need to know about CNN's journalistic standards can be seen during the Chris and Andy Comedy Hour. CNN's Chris Cuomo yucking it up with brother Gov. Andrew Cuomo. At least, until news broke of all the elderly blood Andrew has on his hands. Then came Andy's sexual harassment allegations that the CNN "journalist" help him respond to. You and I can see the red flags popping up everywhere. But both Chris and Andy are Democrats, so CNN doesn't care.

As Meghan McCain points out, this is why so many Americans think the media hates them and sucks at life.

The Cuomo family and CNN are the worst kind of nepotism that the media has an example of.

I hope Governor Cuomo is either forced out of office or resigns and I hope that his brother Chris Cuomo has any kind of retribution whatsoever for his show because there was a point in time when they were doing comedy sketches with giant q-tips on air during the height -- here we have a picture, and this was all fine and good. When it's fine, it's okay to air it. That's journalism? It's journalism now that he's bad and he's been accused of all this, and the investigation came out? It's all disgusting. We wonder why people hate the media and hate journalism.

Maybe if CNN employees spent less time watching Fox News and more time watching CNN, they could see the conflict of interest here. Instead, they still have Chris Cuomo on the air, trying to distract from his brother by attacking Ron DeSantis. He has to prove to the CNN higher-ups that he is still a useful soldier.

Chris Cuomo's massive breach of journalistic ethics should have gotten him fired. Firing him would require CNN to have journalistic ethics. Or, any self-respect.

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