Monday, August 2, 2021

Teacher Fail: 40% of New York City Educators Haven't Gotten Their Fauci Ouchie

Teacher Fail: 40% of New York City Educators Haven't Gotten Their Fauci Ouchie
Brodigan - August 02, 2021 at 08:56AM

Cards on the table: I don't have a strong opinion on your or anyone else's personal medical decisions. I do however have an opinion on hypocrites, the teacher's unions who are in serious need of busting, and our incompetent president. Because the message being put out about v-word hesitancy is that it's the fault of Fox News watching Trump supporters. Them, and those mystery twelve people sharing memes on Facebook. Accordingly to Jim Geraghty this morning, it would appear there are a lot of New York City Department of Education Employees with MAGA hats in their closets. 40% of DOE employees have yet to get their arm jab.

That's the New York City DOE. Not Jacksonville or Dallas. The place where Bill DeBlasio lets the inmates run free.

And that last one is a strong argument for metaphorically burning teachers' unions to the ground and salting the earth where they once stood. For the past eighteen months, teachers' unions across the country and in New York City insisted that school buildings could not be reopened because the threat to teachers, administrators, and other staff was just too high.

Clearly these educators were not all that worried about catching C*VID. Apparently the fear was just powerful enough to make returning to the classrooms unthinkable, but not quite so powerful enough to get them to get off their butts and go get v*cc*n*t*d.

To recap teachers' union shenanigans over the past year and a half:

NYC school employees have been eligible to get their arm jab since January 11. The unions are demanding masks and arm jabs from the STUDENTS before they go back to work with in-person teaching. Yet, when it comes to doing the "right thing" for "everyone's safety" because hashtag "we're all in this together," 40% of school employees in the socialist stronghold of NEW YORK CITY say "meh."

Joe Biden, who is demanding work mandates without calling them work mandates, already has a problem with the labor unions who got him elected. The teacher's unions deserve extra animosity. They're the ones who have been holding parents and students hostage for what they claim is safety reasons. Yet can't be bothered to make the same decisions themselves. They can have their reasons. Other Americans can not.

It would be nice if our pudding-headed president showed some courage and publically called the unions out. You know, instead of using Fauci Ouchie hesitancy as an excuse for political attacks like he, his party, and his fanbois in the mainstream media have been doing. But Joe Biden doesn't have the balls to do so. And the people wouldn't control him would let him.

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