Monday, August 2, 2021

Megan Rapinoe isn't Hated Because She's a Woman, but Because She's an Insufferable Blowhard

Megan Rapinoe isn't Hated Because She's a Woman, but Because She's an Insufferable Blowhard
Courtney Kirchoff - August 02, 2021 at 05:26PM

On Monday, the American Olympic Female Soccer team, led by captain Megan Rapinoe, was defeated by Canada and thus lost the chance to take Olympic gold. The blow caused many an American to seemingly celebrate the defeat of our team, even against our pale syrup-slurping neighbors up north, eh. Which to the naked eye, could be deemed unpatriotic.

Lest anyone think I'm straw-manning, some examples:

Let me assure you, those of us who slow-clapped the women's soccer team's defeat are neither sexist nor anti-American. We are instead anti-insufferable egotistical self-important blowhards who kneel, a team of which Megan Rapinoe is leader.

For the record, I don't hate Rapinoe as the title states. I reserve that kind of emotional energy for lallygagging motorists monopolizing the passing lane. Lemme help you nitwits with a handy rhyme: If drivers on the right are making to pass, it's because you're hogging the lane meant for going fast. GET OUT.

Megan Rapinoe isn't disliked ("disliked" is as sexy a word for a title as Megan Rapinoe is for a Victoria's Secret spread) because she has two X-Chromosomes or because she prefers to Netflix and chill with people who also have two X-chromosomes. She's disliked for what she's come to stand for. Or maybe that's kneel for. Maybe now to return home for with nary a medal for. See, until recently, all I knew about Rapinoe, aside from her hair color, was the annoying ways she'd advocate. I didn't know about her accomplishments on the field. I wasn't allowed to really get to know her based on her long, illustrious record as a soccer player. I instead knew her as that lady who kneeled for the anthem and dissed Donald Trump unnecessarily. It was around that time media glorified her as some kind of hero. Sure, part of this shame should go on media for only elevating people who also take swipes at their foes, but I think media is punched enough and we can return to that scheduling in an hour or so.

Call me crazy, but an athlete should best be known for their athleticism. Not for how high they screech for their pet causes. I care less about who Tom Brady voted for and more about the health of his wrists in having to wear so many Super Bowl rings.

Of course athletes are allowed to dislike a president and of course athletes are allowed to have opinions about political and cultural matters. But the way Megan Rapinoe went about it left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I've not been able to get aboard the good train ra-ra-ladies-soccer ever since. Though it should be noted, a lot of Americans suddenly rooted for the ladies soccer team when they won the World Cup. This is because, regardless of gender, Americans root for winners.

Megan Rapinoe comes across as much more of a whiner than a winner. She uses her platform not to elevate, but to tear down America. She could be an inspiring figure to young athletic girls who have few idols to look up to, but she instead gets into scuffles with the president, sides with Colin Kaepernick by dishonoring the flag and the anthem, and takes a negative view of the country she represents at nearly every opportunity. It is for these reasons American conservatives such as myself, "celebrate" her loss on the Olympic world stage. It's as simple as not wanting an anti-American brat to represent our country. Call me an old fashioned fuddy-duddy.

And yes, I'd say the same of a man. See also our criticism of Colin Kaepernick.

I guess what irks me most is this noxious idea that all conservatives are sexist neanderthals who believe women belong in the kitchen popping out cookies as quickly as babies, and that's why we turn up our noses at the sight of Megan Rapinoe, or why we might have a chuckle when her team is defeated by high school boys.

Sexism isn't the reason Megan Rapinoe draws our criticism. Since we're here having a talk about it, sexism also isn't why the female soccer team doesn't make as much coin as the men's soccer team. Everyone wants to talk about equality except when it comes to television ratings.

I believe we'd root for Rapinoe as we root for any other athlete if what came to mind when seeing her perform on the pitch was not her trash-talking of her country or her country's leader, but of her assurance she'd kick the ass of every opposing player who dared cross her path as she headed for victory. Remember when Ronda Rousey was an unstoppable train? Right. Not sexism. We like people who dominate!

Megan didn't allow us the chance to cheer for her. Therein lies the problem.

from Steven Crowder Says