Friday, August 13, 2021

Joe Biden Discussing Idea to Ban Americans from Interstate Travel Unless They Get the V*cc*ne

Joe Biden Discussing Idea to Ban Americans from Interstate Travel Unless They Get the V*cc*ne
Brodigan - August 13, 2021 at 09:11AM

The Associated Press released a love letter to authoritarianism today. Joe Biden wants to make things miserable for Americans who aren't making the personal medical decision he wants them to make. Feel free to click through, but you can guess what it says. Joe Biden rules. Ron DeSantis sucks. Some Americans are anti-science idiots. Also, this sentence: "White House officials say Biden wanted to initially operate with restraint to ensure that Americans were ready for the strong-arming from the federal government." Yes, the president of the United States wants to prepare you to be strong-armed. By the federal government.

This nugget is what's making the rounds on the Twitter. Buried seventeen paragraphs down:

Still, while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.

Too polarizing "for the moment." Limiting what Americans can freely travel throughout AMERICA is too polarizing "for the moment." That sentence was tossed in, seventeen paragraphs down, as an aside. Too polarizing for the moment because, I suppose, Americans haven't been strong-armed enough yet.

"But Brodigan, it's only being discussed."

Riiiiiiiight. Just like taxing Americans for driving their cars was "only being discussed" until they tried to sneak it into the infrastructure bill. Just like making it illegal to fly commercial unless you get your arm jab is just being discussed. This isn't something that gets to "just be discussed." The president who thinks we yield our rights to him and openly does things he thinks are illegal doesn't get to "just discuss" what Americans are free to move throughout the country.

What was called a conspiracy theory when Joe Rogan discussed it last week, the Associated Press is reporting is actually being discussed.

The White House is discussing limiting American travel. Joe Biden wants to prepare Americans for strong-arming from the American government. Do you really think this is just about this one virus and whatever variant we're up to? Wake the f*** up.

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