Sunday, August 15, 2021

'Isn't It My Body, My Choice?': Brave Little Girl Speaks Out Against Mask Mandates and the Audience Goes Nuts

'Isn't It My Body, My Choice?': Brave Little Girl Speaks Out Against Mask Mandates and the Audience Goes Nuts
Brodigan - August 15, 2021 at 07:21AM

Cana, like many 4th graders, has been getting a real-time lesson in government and freedom these past seventeen months (plus fifteen days). I'm not sure if 4th graders started learning US history, or if schools even teach US history anymore. But she's still seeing what happens when citizens concede too much freedom to an overreaching government. So Cana spoke out at her local school board meeting.

This was sent to Not the Bee, which if it's not one of your daily website visits yet it needs to be. Note to any "independent" "fact" checkers monitoring this post: no, this 4th grader is not a CDC-approved representative of "the science." She's only an American citizen exercising her first amendment rights.

Debunking the Gender Pay Gap #shorts

from Steven Crowder Says