Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Grab Popcorn: Texas House Authorizes FIFTY-TWO Arrest Warrants for Runaway Texas Democrats

Grab Popcorn: Texas House Authorizes FIFTY-TWO Arrest Warrants for Runaway Texas Democrats
Brodigan - August 11, 2021 at 08:06AM

When Texas Democrats ran away from home to prevent a vote on commonsense voter integrity reform, the Texas House threatened to have them arrested. House Speaker Dade Phelan issued a writ of "f*ck around and find out." The fleebagging Democrats f*cked around. They're about to find out. By an 80-12 vote, 52 arrest warrants have been signed and issued!

The sergeant at arms and any officers appointed by him are directed to send for all absentees whose attendance is not excused for the purpose of securing and maintaining their attendance under warrant of arrest if necessary.

Let's review how we got here. Texas was about to pass commonsense voting laws that expand early voting hours and generally make it easier for everyone to vote but also tighten up some loopholes. Democrats, for whatever reason, hate seeing loopholes tightened up. The only way Democrats could stop the vote is if they broke the quorum so that there weren't enough people to have a vote. So they ran away to Washington, D.C., to beg Joe Biden for help.

While in Washington, D.C., they caused a super-spreader event, showed that they had no idea what was in the bill, and even wound up admitting under oath that most if not all of their criticisms of the bill were a lie. Also, Joe Biden wanted nothing to do with them, though he did give a speech where he called portions of America raaaaaaaacist.

While POTUS didn't meet with them, they at least got to hang out with popular social media influencer Rep. AOC. So the trip wasn't a total waste.

What happens from here depends on the fugitive Democrats. They could do the adult thing and go back to work. Give a bunch of virtue-signaling speeches before they vote "no" on a bill that was always going to pass anyway. Or, they could let themselves get arrested in another failed publicity stunt. It's anyone's guess at this point.

I'm just disappointed the arrest warrants didn't mean sending the Texas Rangers to D.C. The vision of Chuck Norris rounding them all up was awesome.

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