Monday, August 16, 2021

Five Things You Need to Know About Joe Biden's Incompetence Causing the Chaos in Afghanistan

Five Things You Need to Know About Joe Biden's Incompetence Causing the Chaos in Afghanistan
Brodigan - August 16, 2021 at 07:15AM

Afganistan's in flames while Joe Biden's to blame. Film at 11:00.

Metaphorical flames, of course. The Taliban hasn't needed to actually set anything ablaze. Joe Biden called for a withdrawal of American troops so that he could look like a big shot on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Anyone who isn't a nincompoop could see that if you give a specific date, the Taliban would just wait it out before taking over Afganistan. The Taliban surprised us all by saying "why wait" and is the proud new owner of Kabul. Also, of Joe Biden.

A lot happened over the weekend. Here are some key points. As you navigate the news this week, please remember, Joe Biden thinks YOU'RE a potential terrorist if you disagree with him about C*VID.

If you're surprised by how quickly it fell apart, so are Joe Biden and his secretary of state.

Secretary of State Blinken in July:

"We are not withdrawing, we are staying, the embassy is staying, our programs are staying … If there is a significant deterioration in security … I don't think it's going to be something that happens from a Friday to a Monday."

Joe Biden, July 8:

Reporter: Is the Taliban takeover inevitable?

Biden: Nope.

Afghanistan, August 15:

Joe Biden is trying to blame Donald Trump.

Biden, while on vacation, released a statement claiming what's happening in Afghanistan is because he "inherited a deal cut by his predecessor." As the Wall Street Journal points out, bullshit.

Note that Mr. Biden is more critical of his predecessor than he is of the Taliban. The President has spent seven months ostentatiously overturning one Trump policy after another on foreign and domestic policy. Yet he now claims Afghanistan policy is the one he could do nothing about.

This is the same Taliban that Biden's Democrat Party is lecturing to "think about how they want to be viewed on the world stage." They obviously did.

The White House, trying to quell stories of Joe Biden's gross incompetence, was grossly incompetent.

Joe Biden took a break from eating ice cream and playing video games to sit at a desk and let someone take a picture of him on a conference call. The person who tweeted the photo, in doing so, outed a CIA operative.

I've run social media operations on local village mayoral races and even then, LOOKING AT THE PICTURE YOU ARE TWEETING should be Digital Media 101. The people who are working for the White House have no such sense of common sense. Only our best and brightest!

The mainstream media, surprisingly, for now, is holding Biden accountable.

This is the same CNN that has questioned the patriotism of veterans who lost their legs. But, at least on Sunday, they admitted this looks bad for our pudding-headed president. They claim this could "be an albatross around his neck for the rest of time." And Jake Tapper dismantled the Secretary of State.

It won't last. Republicans, who are currently "seizing," will eventually "overreach." Joe Biden, when he gets back from vacation, will give a speech that gives the media their new talking points. But, at least for a Sunday, it was refreshing to see honesty.

Two pictures say it all.

The most lasting image from the end of the Vietnam War was of the U.S. embassy needing to be evacuated by helicopter.

Joe Biden wanted to look like a "Big Shot" for the anniversary of 9/11. Instead, his legacy will be that of another Billy Joel song: "Goodnight Saigon." But hey, at least there are no mean tweets!

Our president remains on holiday until Wednesday.

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