Monday, August 9, 2021

Coming to America? France Shows What Police Enforcing a Vaccine Passport REALLY Looks Like

Coming to America? France Shows What Police Enforcing a Vaccine Passport REALLY Looks Like
Brodigan - August 09, 2021 at 12:14PM

American leftists want a universal v*cc*ne passport. This video is what one looks like. Police are LITERALLY walking up to people in French cafes and asking to see their pape ... err, "phone app." The is a Reuters reporter. If the translation isn't perfect, blame Twitter.

Seriously France, what the f*cking f*ckity f*ck f*ck?

The first #Police checks started as a preventive measure in #Paris in cafes and restaurants where the #PassSanitaire is mandatory as of today. Verbalization of 135 euros from next week, up to 9,000 euros in the event of a repeat offense.

AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES: The idea of needing to show a passport with proof of our "Faucie Ouchie" reeks of "show me your papers." We see what's happening in the United Kingdom and Australia. Now France. Americans should reject anything like this.

AMERICAN LIBERAL PANIC PORN INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: You conservatives watch too much Joe Rogan. We have to do whatever we have to do to keep ourselves safe. So long as climate change ... I mean, gun violence ... I mean "C*VID" is out there. "Show me your papers?" It's nothing like that.

THE FRENCH: No, it's totally like that. Also, we surrender.

JOE BIDEN: Who just pooped my pants?

I'm almost at a loss, because there are people living in this country who will watch this video and think it's not a big deal. Half of commie, police defunding, Joe Biden controlling Democrats think it's the cat's pajamas to have THE POLICE walking up to people in an outdoor cafe and asking to show their proof of immunization.

"Oh, but if private businesses make the private business decisions to enforce ..." and who do you think those private businesses — that are being STRONGLY ENCOURAGED by the federal government to enforce mandates the federal government can't — are going to call when a customer doesn't comply? SPOILER: not a squad of social workers.

This video from France is what the future of America looks like if people don't wake up. Start waking up.

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