Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Pay Attention, America: Aussie Cop 'Comfortable' with Free Speech, Except When Against a Public Health Order

Pay Attention, America: Aussie Cop 'Comfortable' with Free Speech, Except When Against a Public Health Order
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 12:55PM

Watching the Australian government crack down on its own citizens over a "public health" order has been disturbing. If you aren't familiar, change that. Then don't kid yourself into thinking it can't happen here. Yes, we have a First Amendment. For now. But listen to this Australian cop address the press about how free speech isn't as important as obeying the government. Think long and hard over how many "leaders" in this country have said some form of "I support free speech, but ..." over the past year and a half.

He was giving a presser about "unauthorized" protests. No word if it was one of the protests where cops pepper-sprayed a little girl with a "Let Me Play" sign.

We have made it clear throughout the previous weeks the police are not opposed to free speech.

I sense at least an implied "but" coming.

We are opposed to activity that breaches the public health order and puts the vast majority of the community in danger.

There it is.

Today's [protests] only further served to jeopardize the freedoms of those people who are doing the right thing.

The people viewed as doing the "right thing" are the people who are obediently doing whatever their government tells them to do. This stands in opposition to the Aussies who think that a government telling people how they can exercise and when they can leave their house is bonkers.

We are very comfortable with free speech ... but when that's done in contravention to the public health order, putting the rest of public safety in jeopardy, the police will not tolerate it.

All in the name of a "public health" order. Over a virus with an over 99% survival rate (slightly less if you're old or fat). People down under are okay with giving up their rights over what the government says is for the public's health. And the ones who oppose are treated like the weird ones. Or worse, as criminals.

Here in America, we've heard people speak out that climate change is a "public health" crisis. Guns are a "public health" crisis too. And though the Supreme Court stopped him for now, Joe Biden tried coming after your personal property over what the CDC called a "public health" crisis.

Australia is a warning, America. Our "leaders" aren't hiding what they plan to do here if we let them get away with it.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Biden Security Advisor Will NOT Rule Out Giving Taliban Humanitarian Aid. The Taliban. Aid. Our Money...

Biden Security Advisor Will NOT Rule Out Giving Taliban Humanitarian Aid. The Taliban. Aid. Our Money...
Courtney Kirchoff - August 31, 2021 at 12:53PM

There's a chance the next time I see a car still sporting a Biden/Harris bumpersticker I might shoot daggers with my eyes, emit negative thoughts, and I can't rule out the possibility one or both of my middle fingers shooting skyward. This is as far as I'll go, mind you. After waves and waves of figurative feces crashing out of the Biden White House, I do wonder about the mental acuity and moral fiber of people who still support Joe Biden. I hate them, is what I'm trying to say. Because now we have this shitstick who won't rule out the possibility the United States giving aid to the Taliban. As in the Taliban. As in taxpayer money. As in our money. To the Taliban. The same Taliban we "gifted" billions of dollars worth of military equipment. I'm seriously serious, you have to be an immoral asshole to still support this administration.

Creative paraphrase of conversation:

Georgie: "Does that include the prospect of giving them aid?"

Jakey-poo: "We do believe there is a certain degree of humanitarian aid going to the Afghanistan people. But if we're giving anything to the Taliban, it depends on if they play the games we set and constantly retreat when the going gets tough. It's going to be up to the Taliban if we give them assistance. We also left a bunch of dogs there, so I'm sure that'll be fine, George. If we know anything about Islamic terrorists or those who lean in that direction, it's how much respect they give dogs."

Did you hear a "no" because I didn't hear a no. In politics I've learned not saying no is basically a yes. It's the mathematical principle of two negatives making a positive. We are talking about the same administration which has used the circa 2018 meme of "hold my beer" whenever a new opportunity to royally FUBAR anything comes up. I think we'd all have to be as idiotic as people who voted for Joe Biden to believe the Joe Biden Administration wouldn't shower the Taliban with taxpayer cash. I hope I'm wrong but man I doubt it.

Democrats. They're pretty much the worst.

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from Steven Crowder Says

#NoPawsLeftBehind Trends to Speak Out Against Joe Biden Leaving Service Dogs Behind to Die in Afghanistan

#NoPawsLeftBehind Trends to Speak Out Against Joe Biden Leaving Service Dogs Behind to Die in Afghanistan
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 09:55AM

Joe Biden allegedly left service dogs behind in Afghanistan. He may not care. He left American citizens behind too and doesn't seem to care about the thirteen service members killed last week. I guess to this White House, the service dogs just go on the list with the billions and billions of dollars' of weapons and military equipment we left behind. The difference is that the Taliban won't torture and kill a helicopter.

The New York Post reports that the American Humane Society is speaking out. President Robin Ganzert said in a statement, "I am devastated by reports that the American government is pulling out of Kabul and leaving behind brave U.S. military contract working dogs to be tortured and killed at the hand of our enemies."

There were rumors of a charity raising money to rescue the dogs, but as I was writing this the legitimacy of the charity has been called into question. If I get confirmation of a charity, I will update this post. What I can confirm is #NoPawsLeftBehind trending on Twitter. Thousands of pet lovers drawing attention to what has (allegedly) happened and reminding Americans of something else Joe Biden has tragically, if you'll excuse the pun, screwed the pooch on.

After this, we need to get #BiteBackBetter trending.

What's most sickening is that you KNOW the dogs are going to be tortured and killed. Any humans left behind, while it's assumed they won't exactly be living their best lives, we can hope for the best. When you see those dog carriers sitting in front of a helicopter, you know what each of those brave canines' fates is. And they're just left there like garbage.

Joe Biden is scheduled to attempt a victory lap at 2:45 p.m. on Tuesday. We'll see if the people who control Biden allow him to take questions after. The first question needs to be about the American citizens left behind. Asking about the service dogs left behind needs to at least be in the top three.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Gold Star Father Shares Truth About Biden Checking Watch at Dignified Transfer: 'It Didn't Happen Just Once'

Gold Star Father Shares Truth About Biden Checking Watch at Dignified Transfer: 'It Didn't Happen Just Once'
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 09:08AM

Joe Biden does not know what the word "dignified" in "dignified transfer" means. We can now count four families who have been public about their miserable experience with the president. You would think as these families were witnessing their fallen loved ones being taken off a plane in a flag-covered casket, Joe Biden would be on his best behavior. But the "commander" in chief acted as if he had somewhere else to go and kept checking his watch.

Yes, "kept" checking his watch. As in more than the one time that was caught on camera. Gold Star Fathers Mark Schmitz, father of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, and Darin Hoover, the father of Staff Sergeant Darin "Taylor" Hoover Jr., joined Hannity to share what they saw. (h/t The Post Millennial)

MIXTAPE: Crowder TERRORIZES Dementia Joe Biden on Afghanistan & Taliban Gaffes! youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

'You Rolled Your F***ing Eyes': Gold Star Mother Shares Her Unfiltered Experience with Joe Biden at Dover

'You Rolled Your F***ing Eyes': Gold Star Mother Shares Her Unfiltered Experience with Joe Biden at Dover
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 08:01AM

Joe Biden doesn't seem to know what the word "dignified" means in "dignified transfer." Though unlike the previous stories of our puddingheaded president upsetting Gold Star Families, this isn't told through the filter of a Washington Post reporter. This is a Gold Star Mother's raw emotion. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui was one of our Marines who lost his life in the Kabul terror attack. His mother, Shana Chappell, shared her experience meeting his commander in chief last weekend in Dover.

"I am the one who stood 5 inches from your face and was letting you know I would never get to hug my son again, hear his laugh, and then you tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story and I had to tell you 'that this isn't about you so don't make it about you!' You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how I feel and I let you know that you don't know how I feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how I feel."

Funny, but I remember reading stories of when President Bush would meet with Gold Star Families, he would just sit there and let the families yell at him. He actually understood. Joe Biden, from these accounts, sounds like he couldn't be bothered. Along with a dash of "How dare you talk to me like this?"

It gets worse:

"You turned to walk away and I let you know my son's blood was on your hands and you threw your hand up behind you as you walked away from me like you were saying, 'ok, whatever.'"

Let me know if you read about anyone having a POSITIVE experience with Joe Biden at the dignified transfer. I haven't seen any positive accounts yet.

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MIXTAPE: Crowder TERRORIZES Dementia Joe Biden on Afghanistan & Taliban Gaffes! youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

'I Hope You Burn in Hell': Gold Star Father Shares His Joe Biden Experience, Including POTUS Getting Snippy

'I Hope You Burn in Hell': Gold Star Father Shares His Joe Biden Experience, Including POTUS Getting Snippy
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 07:21AM

Joe Biden is scheduled to address the nation on Tuesday to try to take a victory lap for pulling out of Afghanistan. No doubt, he will try to bring up his son Beau. If you haven't heard, Beau was a service member. Someone who tells Joe Biden what to say believes that makes Biden relatable. Do you know who disagrees? The Gold Star Families of the service members who died in last week's terror attack. Many of them hold Joe Biden responsible for their loved ones not being with us any more and are tired of hearing POTUS try to make it about his son.

The latest to speak out is Mark Schmitz, the father of 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz. Schmitz tells the Washington Post one grieving mother yelled at Biden, "I hope you burn in hell."

Schmitz wasn't happy that Biden kept talking about his son Beau. As opposed to Schmitz's son Jared, who was the reason they were all in Dover. Mr. Schmitz told the president, "Don't you ever forget that name. Don't you ever forget that face. Don't you ever forget the names of the other 12." Schmitz told Biden to never forget THEIR stories.

The president got snippy at Schmitz, claiming, "I do know their stories."

The entire incident left Schmitz with a bad taste in his mouth.

When he just kept talking about his son so much it was just — my interest was lost in that. I was more focused on my own son than what happened with him and his son. I'm not trying to insult the president, but it just didn't seem that appropriate to spend that much time on his own son.

It's similar to Jiennah McCollum, the pregnant widow of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum. She agreed with to meet with the president even as the rest of the McCollum family didn't want to. Kathy McCollum, Rylee's mother, even referred to the president of the United States as "dementia-ridden." Jiennah came away from her meeting with Biden and him trying to make it about Beau saying that it felt "scripted and shallow."

President Biden is scheduled to speak to the nation at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday. We'll see if someone finally got through to him to stop making this about Beau. We'll also see if Biden's handlers allow him to take questions after and if they gave him another pre-approved list of reporters to call on.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Legend Pranks School Board with Explicit Fake Names, Clueless Official Doesn't Realize What He's Saying

Legend Pranks School Board with Explicit Fake Names, Clueless Official Doesn't Realize What He's Saying
Brodigan - August 31, 2021 at 06:49AM

I'm a simple man who enjoys simple things. A nice glass of bourbon. Country music. And laughing at sexual euphemisms just because I'm a child. At least one absolute LEGEND shares my enjoyment of double entendres and pranked his school board meeting by signing up fake names to speak. The clueless official, who I'm assuming was the superintendent, didn't realize what he was saying as he called these residents to the podium.

The following "concerned taxpayers" did not answer when their names were called. Since some of these people are from foreign countries and you may not be familiar with regional linguistics, I have included the phonetic pronunciations as well.

Phil McCracken (Fill My Crack In)

Sook Mihedik (Suck My D*ck)

Ophelia McCaulk (O Feel My C*ck)

Eileen Dover (I Leaned Over)

Don Kedik (Donkey D*ck)

Wayne Kerr (Wanker)

LwC can not confirm if this was a lone wolf or a team of pranksters. We can however confirm how they were radicalized:

MIXTAPE: Crowder TERRORIZES Dementia Joe Biden on Afghanistan & Taliban Gaffes! youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

Change My Mind Mixtape: Crowder TRIGGERS Leftists, ANTIFA, and woke feminists

Change My Mind Mixtape: Crowder TRIGGERS Leftists, ANTIFA, and woke feminists
Tarah Price - August 30, 2021 at 05:26PM

Steven Crowder's wildly popular Change My Mind series continues to bring people to the table for civil discourse. Over the years, Crowder has come across people from all walks of life, some kind and intelligent, others not so much. In this clip, Crowder highlighted some of the best triggered moments for your viewing pleasure. Watch to see triggered Leftists, ANTIFA, and woke feminists fail to change Crowder's mind, and instead, get triggered. Can't watch? Download the podcast here.

from Steven Crowder Says

Monday, August 30, 2021

Thanks, Joe Biden! Video Shows Taliban Inspecting Chinook Helicopters USA LEFT BEHIND!

Thanks, Joe Biden! Video Shows Taliban Inspecting Chinook Helicopters USA LEFT BEHIND!
Courtney Kirchoff - August 30, 2021 at 06:46PM

If you're worried your blood pressure is too low, let me help you. An LA Times reporter who on Twitter is simply "Nabih" published video of Taliban soldiers apparently inspecting freshly abandoned Chinook helicopters bought and paid for by the US taxpayers.

Go ahead and press play, you know you want to.

Not a problem at all, I'm sure. Some might say the US military decommissioned these choppers prior to skedaddling Afghanistan. Some might say no they didn't. If I may ask what could be a stupid question: don't helicopters fly? If this withdrawal had been planned a little better, would it have been possible to, I dunno, pilot the choppers out of Afghanistan rather than leaving them with our enemies?

Perhaps I just revealed what little I understand about military operations. Or maybe I just proved that our actions in the recent months in Afghanistan just prove what ineffectual fuckwads the people in charge actually are. It's a coin toss but considering the level of "are you actually kidding me" of the past few weeks, I think it's the latter. I think our governmental betters in power don't care about:

  1. Americans in Afghanistan
  2. American military property in Afghanistan
  3. Our standing on the world stage
  4. How our enemies perceive us
  5. How our allies perceive us
  6. Really anything at all besides politics
But hey, at least we don't have Donald Trump saying "yuge" am I right?

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from Steven Crowder Says

Final US Military Airplane Leaves Afghanistan and Hundreds of Americans, Who Wanted to Leave, Behind​

Final US Military Airplane Leaves Afghanistan and Hundreds of Americans, Who Wanted to Leave, Behind​
Courtney Kirchoff - August 30, 2021 at 06:19PM

We're going to try and not play the whataboutism game, but it's going to be challenging. You and I both know had there been an R where there is now a D, things would be different. That's the only reference I'm going to make. Today, CENTCOM leader General Frank McKenzie announced the final US airplane had departed Afghanistan, leaving the country and 20 year conflict behind. Also left behind, hundreds of Americans. I'm sorry, "in the low hundreds" of Americans. That matters because the "very low hundreds" of Americans left behind didn't want to be left behind in the now Taliban-controlled pit of a nation. But it's fine, because it's only in the "very low hundreds."

From The Hill:

U.S. Central Command leader Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie told reporters during a briefing Monday afternoon in Washington that the Americans who wanted to leave and who were not evacuated number in the "very low hundreds."

McKenzie said that no Americans were evacuated on the final five flights out of Kabul's international airport, where the U.S. evacuation mission was located.

Here's McKenzie saying the final flights didn't have Americans:

Who's in charge of this disaster aside, I do wonder why some of these Americans are in Afghanistan. I'm not talking about the US Military. I'm wondering who these Americans are who just decided: "You know what? I really want to see Afghanistan, let's book a trip, see if we can find an AirBNB with walls sans bullet holes." Sincerely. I want to know who these people are and why they wanted to go to Afghanistan. I agree, if the US Military under Biden announce it's time to go and those Americans can't actually get the heck out, it's up to Biden to help them out. Okay? Okay. But why go in the first place? I'm honestly asking.

Now back to the general, who thinks the pragmatic and professional-acting Taliban (yes he describes them using those words) thinks there's still hope:

"I believe that we're going to get those people out, I think we're also going to negotiate very hard and very aggressively to get our other Afghan partners out," McKenzie said. "Our desire to bring these people out remains as intense as it was before."

What does that mean, negotiate very hard? If I'm the Taliban, I think that means "give me something in exchange." As in "you want us to keep your Americans alive and not hang them until dead from a helicopter? What have you got for us?" There's another word that comes to mind: hostages. But maybe that's just because I'm not naive. Also I didn't pull the helicopter thing from my between my butt cheeks. This is going around, not yet sure of its validity:

Doesn't look great. Maybe the dead hanging man identifies as alive.

"There's a lot of heartbreak associated with this departure. We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out. but I think if we stayed another ten days … we wouldn't have gotten everybody out that we wanted to get out and there still would have been people who would have been disappointed with that," McKenzie said.

Yes, mainly the people who wanted to get out would be disappointed. Maybe because they didn't want to die a slow death via decapitation, hanging, burning alive. Just spitballing.

What lessons have we learned here? Don't worry, I'll list them.

  1. Don't rely on the US government to help you.
  2. Joe Biden is an incompetent asswipe.
  3. The people operating Joe Biden are incompetent asswipes.
  4. Joe Biden and the people operating Joe Biden do not care about American casualties in Afghanistan, they care about politics.
  5. The same Joe Biden who said you'd need nukes and F-15s to combat the US government just got their butts kicked by tribal soldiers in Afghanistan who, at the time, didn't have nukes or F-15s.
  6. The Biden Administration and possibly many Democrats by extension, who say "if it only saves one life" when pushing COVID restrictions, gun control or climate change nonsense, do not care about "low hundreds of Americans." Because they don't care about Americans, they care about controlling Americans.
I hate to say this but I think the disaster has only just begun. God help us.

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from Steven Crowder Says

NBC Reporter Grills Jen Psaki Over Taliban's New Access to American Weapons. Her Answers Are Alarming.

NBC Reporter Grills Jen Psaki Over Taliban's New Access to American Weapons. Her Answers Are Alarming.
Courtney Kirchoff - August 30, 2021 at 04:55PM

Handing over weapons to one's enemy is not ideal. Yet due to the nature of the United States' withdrawal from Afghanistan, the USA did just that. I guess I shouldn't say the "USA" there. Since I didn't gift the Taliban American weapons. You didn't gift the Taliban American weapons. At least not directly. There's a meme going around essentially saying if you're a taxpayer, you've funded the Taliban. Kind of true. Memes aside, who DID bequeath weapons to the Taliban was Joe Biden and his band of merry dimwits. Since American weapons are rather effective, the question of safety for Americans and other nations was brought up in light of the tribal Taliban now having cutting edge weaponry. NBC's Peter Alexander lobbed the question at Jen Psaki, who dodged left, right and center.

A rough summation below. Not word for word. Paraphrasing with creative license.

Peter Alexander: "Did the US accomplish its objective knowing that some people got left behind?"

Jen Psaki: "We evacuated 120,000 people including 6,000 Americans. We're still committed to the people who didn't leave, either because they wanted to, or didn't want to, stop asking me for specifics on those people still there. It's not like we have spreadsheets or access to social media posts or even are friends with people at Facebook or Instagram who might be able to help us search using hashtags. Who's to say. We saved more than 120,000 lives and now you should give us ice cream."

Alexander: "We're leaving a crapton of weaponry to the Taliban, giving them all kinds of ways to hurt us in the future. What say you, are Americans in danger?"

Psaki: "Three points, Peter. The military is aiming to reduce the weapons on the ground, it's part of their effort. Also, we wanted to leave some to the local Afghan military who might want to fight the Taliban or ISIS-K. Or not fight, we're not sure yet what they want to do. But we wanted to leave them some toys in case they decided to do something. Rather a convenient answer, eh? Hopefully that's confusing enough and you won't follow up noticing I didn't really answer your question, a bug was in my face."

Peter Alexander: "So you're going to limit some access to weaponry. Fine. But are Western interests now more at risk because the Taliban has access to all this weaponry?"

Jen Psaki: "The world will be watching, we have access to the global marketplace so maybe we can outbid them for our own stuff. The trick is to constantly hit refresh the closer you get to the closing bid time, it's like you've never used eBay must I explain everything? But we didn't want to leave the Taliban with any equipment despite what I just said about leaving some weapons to the Afghan army. But we have a lot of leverage because we prevent terrorist attacks in other countries and since it's hard for you to prove something that didn't happen, you'll have a hard time proving my last statement. So I think we're okay since after today we'll go back to reporting on COVID and bashing DeSantis and y'all will forget about this in a couple of weeks."

Alexander: "Jen, one more time. Is the US more or less safe than we were before the Taliban took over?"

Psaki: "Just trust in Joe Biden. We're going to stop terrorism, c'mon man."

If you still trust this administration, share your drugs with the rest of us. The entire above exchange was an exercise in insanity masked in frustration. Psaki skirted the questions, instead offering excuses that barely made sense. I'm starting to think her monotone delivery is meant to confuse people, so whatever she says sounds the same as what she said before. I'd say it might be genius but it's not working. Fewer and fewer Americans have faith in Biden and his administration. The withdrawal was a disaster with real-world implications we're only beginning to see.

This is probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Like hemorrhoids. It might only get better with a different president, and no not one who cackles at inapprorpiate times.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Another Biden Fail: Offending Pregnant Widow of Marine Killed in Kabul by Making It About His Son Beau

Another Biden Fail: Offending Pregnant Widow of Marine Killed in Kabul by Making It About His Son Beau
Brodigan - August 30, 2021 at 12:29PM

The dignified transfer of the 13 service members killed in Afghanistan took place over the weekend. Joe Biden, the president and the man some call responsible for the 13 service members being killed, was there. Though reports are he had somewhere else to be. Afterward, Biden met with the families of our fallen heroes. Not all of the meetings went well.

Jiennah McCollum is the pregnant widow of Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum and made the trip with McCollum's father and his sister Roice. McCollum's mother Kathy was not there. Unclear is whether her absence had anything to do with her calling Joe Biden "dementia-ridden."

Rylee and her father did not want to meet with the man they hold responsible for Lance Corporal McCollum never meeting his soon-to-be first child. Jiennah agreed to talk to Biden. It sounds like she regrets doing so.

Only Jiennah, who is expecting the couple's child next month, stayed. But she left disappointed, Roice said. The president brought up his son, Beau, according to her account, describing his son's military service and subsequent death from cancer. It struck the family as scripted and shallow, a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in "total disregard to the loss of our Marine," Roice said.

Roice went to say that every life is on Biden's hands and that "You can't f*ck up as bad as he did and say you're sorry."

The White House, naturally, refused to comment, citing it as a private conversation.

I talked earlier about the gross incompetence of Biden's communication team. Thinking that Biden bringing up his dead son makes him "empathetic" proves most of them are nincompoops. Beau Biden served in the military, and later he died. Two separate things. He didn't die while serving the military. He wasn't killed by a terrorist while in service. He isn't dead due to the incompetence of Joe Biden and the alleged "adults in the room."

Joe Biden has no idea what these families are going through. He'd be better off just letting them yell at him.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Video Turns Joe Rogan's Pro-Freedom Rant into Political Ad, and It's the Most Patriotic Thing You'll See Today

Video Turns Joe Rogan's Pro-Freedom Rant into Political Ad, and It's the Most Patriotic Thing You'll See Today
Brodigan - August 30, 2021 at 09:46AM

It's bothersome that Americans have to rely on Joe Rogan more to speak out on freedom than a lot of our elected officials. It's also bothersome that videos like this are found only on the internet and not released by political campaigns. Something like this will move the needle more than another politician walking down the street and talking about tax assessments.

I saw this on MMA fighter Chris Wade's Instagram page (he's Island Strong). Watch it and inject it in your veins. Or since it involves Rogan, roll it tight and twist off the ends.

The bulk of it comes from this Joe Rogan rant that caused all the usual suspects to catch the vapors.

They don't understand the history of every single country that's ever existed other than the United States. Up until 1776, every f*cking country that has ever existed was run by dictators. [America] is the first experiment in self-government that actually worked. And it created the greatest superpower the world's ever known. And how did it do that? It did it through freedom.

Funny thing about Joe Rogan's rant. Other countries have been working overtime to prove his hypothesis. In France, police are literally walking up to people in the street and asking to see their papers. In the U.K., parents are being told their babies don't belong to them and the babies are getting COVID tests before being held by their mothers. And Australia? Australia has become a penal colony and is so unfunny I'm not laughing at the word "penal" right now.

America still has a Constitution. For now. Even though Joe Biden and the people who control Joe Biden are trying to work around it in the name of a "public health" crisis. They can only get away with it if we let them. We should maybe stop letting them.

Also, maybe we should start demanding our leaders do more to stand up for our freedom than a podcaster. Just throwing it out there.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Another Gold Star Parent Lashes Out at Joe Biden: 'Quit Blaming Other People,' 'Biden Alone Is Culpable'

Another Gold Star Parent Lashes Out at Joe Biden: 'Quit Blaming Other People,' 'Biden Alone Is Culpable'
Brodigan - August 30, 2021 at 08:39AM

Craig Gross is the chaplain of Gold Star Fathers for the state of Florida. His son, Army Cpl. Frank R. Gross, was killed by an IED in Afghanistan in 2011. Almost a decade before the Kabul terror attack that took the lives of thirteen service members. Mr. Gross was asked what his message is to President Joe Biden. Simple: Take some God-damn responsibility for what happened.

Taking the Lord's name is me adding for emphasis. Obviously, a chaplain wouldn't do that.

"I will continue to pray for your administration – that somehow you will find the wisdom from God to get us out of this horrific mess that, Mr. President, you have gotten us into."

Gross went on to tell President Biden to quit blaming this on the former president of the United States of America, saying that Biden alone is culpable. "The buck stops at your desk. And I would wish that you would quit blaming this on other people, take the responsibility, quit passing the buck and get on with your job and do what we hired you to do."

There is a reason why Joe Biden is refusing to answer questions about Afghanistan. One is his White House is still hoping the American people forget about his incompetence by tomorrow. I can think of at least thirteen reasons why that won't be happening. Another reason is that answering questions isn't our president's strong suit. He also struggles with forming sentences.

The most important reason is that Gold Star Families aren't shy about telling Biden how much they blame him. Kathy McCollum, mother of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum who died in last week's attack, made news over the weekend lashing out at the president. Calling him "dementia-ridden" and placing some of the blame on the Democrats who voted for him.

There isn't a single person working at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave who doesn't know Biden would answer a question about that badly. Jen Psaki is probably dreading today's press briefing herself. Secret Service will lock Peter Doocy in the bathroom.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Host of Kabul's 'Peace Studio' Informs Afghans Everything Will Be Okay While He Is Being Held at Gunpoint

Host of Kabul's 'Peace Studio' Informs Afghans Everything Will Be Okay While He Is Being Held at Gunpoint
Brodigan - August 30, 2021 at 07:51AM

Disclaimer right from the beginning. I don't speak Kabulese or whatever funny language they are speaking in this video. There is a chance this was shot in a sound studio in Astoria, Queens, to troll people. If that's the case, y'all got me. But my gut tells me this is exactly how this tweet describes it. The Brian Stelter of Afghanistan, on something called Peace Studio, assuring his Afghan audience that everything will be okay. All while two angry people stand behind him with really big guns.

Apropos of nothing, the Taliba -- I mean the Islamic Emirate has been taking away guns from private citizens ever since Joe Biden's gross incompetence allowed them to take control of Afghanistan.

The above video is serious and happened in 2021. The below video is comical and happen during Airplane 2 in 1982. We used to make fun of the below video thirty years ago. But satire is dead. Killed in the back seat of a car for making the wrong joke. Thrown off the roof for loving the wrong person. Stoned to death in the street for overcooking the babaganoush.

What Happened After My Surgery... youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

Cranky-pants: Biden Says He's Not Supposed to Take Questions, Snaps at Reporter for Asking About Afghanistan

Cranky-pants: Biden Says He's Not Supposed to Take Questions, Snaps at Reporter for Asking About Afghanistan
Brodigan - August 30, 2021 at 07:16AM

Joe Biden woke up on the wrong side of the bed on Sunday. Whether or not he was woken up by that too-familiar mushy feeling in his pajama pants, I can neither confirm or deny. But Biden was in a bad mood, which is clear by his visit to FEMA. He was discussing preparation for Hurricane Ida when he uttered a sentence that has become his new catchphrase. "They tell me I'm not allowed to take questions ... "

MIXTAPE: Crowder TERRORIZES Dementia Joe Biden on Afghanistan & Taliban Gaffes! youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Listen: Mother of Marine Killed in Kabul Unloads on 'Dementia-Ridden,' 'Treasonous' Joe Biden

Listen: Mother of Marine Killed in Kabul Unloads on 'Dementia-Ridden,' 'Treasonous' Joe Biden
Brodigan - August 29, 2021 at 09:18AM

One of the Marines killed last week was 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum of Jackson, Wyoming. Lance Cpl. McCollum, an expectant father, wanted to be a Marine his whole life. His mother Kathy called into the "Wilkow Majority" on Sirius/XM to talk about her son. Also, to unload on the person she feels most responsible for her grandchild never knowing who their father is. Joe Biden.

"That feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die."

"I never thought in a million years [Rylee] would die for nothing, for nothing, because that feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap who decided he wanted a photo-op on September 11th."

To be fair, this Gold Star mother could be talking through her grief. As any "independent" "fact" checker will tell you, Joe Biden is not literally a lump of feces. He's a human being. Who leaves pieces of crap in his underpants. Also, there has yet to be any "the science" proof that Joe Biden is in fact "dementia-ridden." Sure, it's assumed. Anyone with two functioning eyes holes can watch him try to speak and come away with that conclusion. In the speech he tried to give where he was playing with his dentures while talking about the terror attack, our president didn't look healthy. But none of us are doctors. A doctor hasn't officially said," yep, this assclown as no idea where he is right now.

NOTE: I have no confirmation Joe Biden was ACTUALLY playing with his dentures. He just looked exactly like my dad when my dad would play with his dentures.

Mrs. McCollum isn't just upset with Biden. Those of you who voted for the (alleged) senile old fool instead of the guy who tweeted mean things bear some responsibility as well.

"You just killed my son with a dementia-ridden piece of crap who doesn't even know he's in the White House. He still thinks he's a senator."

Could Mrs. McCollum be speaking out of anger? Maybe. It's also beyond understandable if that is the case, and anyone attacking her for it can go fornicate with a cactus. But the more likely scenario is that she is NOT the only member of the thirteen families who feel this way.

We'll see if she is the only Gold Star parent who speaks out. We'll also see if the media allows the parents their grief, or does mainstream media things to them in order to protect Biden. I know what I think the answer to that last part is. I also hope that I'm wrong.

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from Steven Crowder Says