Friday, February 4, 2022

Working Out Is ‘Fatphobic’? This TikToker Wants You to Believe So

Working Out Is ‘Fatphobic’? This TikToker Wants You to Believe So
Joseph Gunderson - February 04, 2022 at 09:49AM

I don’t know how many times the left needs to be told this, but not everything that upsets them is a phobia, least of all fat people. I don’t know anyone who fears fat people. There’s definitely people who don’t want to be fat, but that’s because being overweight, being obese is unhealthy and unattractive. Why would anyone want to be fat? I say that, but Lizzo seems to enjoy looking like a metric ton of chewed bubble gum and cellulite.

This lady seems to believe there’s something terribly wrong, even immoral about not wanting to be a disgusting fat-body, though. You’re a bad person if you don’t want to be a beached whale.

Add this woman to the list of people who are desperately trying to come up with excuses for why being fat is okay. But it’s not okay, and everyone should know it’s not okay. You should want to be in good shape. And if these “body positive” Buddhas could just stop lecturing us all, that would be great.

And look, I could definitely benefit from losing a few pounds. I think most of us who are a bit big understand this, but for those who think being Michelin Man look-alikes, I guess we need to keep rehashing this.

Get off the TikTok, go get some exercise, and stop cramming Bon-Bons down your gullet. I promise you’ll feel better about yourself and maybe even lose some of that gunk that’s obviously clogging the arteries sending blood to your brain.

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