Friday, February 4, 2022

State Dept Spokesman Gets Dragged By Reporter Over False Flags, Crisis Actors: ‘This is Alex Jones Territory’

State Dept Spokesman Gets Dragged By Reporter Over False Flags, Crisis Actors: ‘This is Alex Jones Territory’
Joseph Gunderson - February 04, 2022 at 09:10AM

Yesterday, February 3, the State Department held a press brief during which the department’s spokesman Ned Price came out to tell everyone that Russia was nefariously planning to conduct operations against the United States and Ukraine. And while the media is usually more than willing to gobble up whatever the Biden Administration wants to feed them, this briefing didn’t go nearly as smoothly.

AP reporter Mike Lee wasn’t going to let Price off easy. He pressed him to provide any form of actual evidence for the claims he was making. Low and behold, Price had nothing.

Dramatic interpretation

Price: So, Russia is very bad, and they’re looking to do all this bad stuff.

Lee: Can you please tell us what evidence you have?

Price: I just told you.

Lee: Yes, you said they are going to do a bunch of bad stuff, but do you have any evidence.

Price: My evidence is I said it, and you heard it. Now, shut up and print it.

Lee: That’s not how it works.

Price: Yes, it is. Leave me alone.

Now, this isn’t to say Russia isn’t a bad actor on the world stage. This post isn’t really about Russia. This is about a government unwilling to be even remotely transparent. The Biden Administration believes it’s enough that they tell you things, and you should just believe them. You should believe them and do as they say because they’re the government, but that’s not remotely how this is supposed to work.

This approach isn’t relegated to foreign affairs. The Biden Administration has taken the exact same approach to COVID mandates, the vaccines, “voting rights,” and a litany of other topics. And they lie about it all.

They don’t want you to think. They want you to listen, regurgitate, and do as they say.

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