Monday, February 7, 2022

Whistleblower: 77% of Students at Baltimore High School Can Barely Read, Less Than 2% Read at Grade Level

Whistleblower: 77% of Students at Baltimore High School Can Barely Read, Less Than 2% Read at Grade Level
Joseph Gunderson - February 07, 2022 at 09:01AM

In this episode of “How Terrible Are the Public Schools,” let us turn to Baltimore, Maryland, where one teacher has released some of the results from an annual iReady assessment which show just how horribly our schools are failing.

Originally reported by Fox Baltimore, a teacher at Patterson High School, who came forward under the condition of anonymity, provided the reading results of the iReady to the outlet. The iReady is an assessment “given in Baltimore City Schools to help determine at which grade level a student is performing in math and reading.” So, how did our students fair?

“In reading, 628 Patterson High School students took the test. Out of those students, 484 of them, or 77%, tested at an elementary school reading level. That includes 71 high school students who were reading at a kindergarten level and 88 students reading at a first-grade level. Another 45 are reading at a second-grade level. Just 12 students tested at Patterson High School, were reading at grade level, which comes out to just 1.9%.”

This is an education catastrophe of the highest order. What’s worse is that Patterson High School has a budget of nearly $12M and a graduation rate of 61%! Think about that for a moment. Only 1.9% of students can read at grade level, yet the school graduates 61% of students… They’re just sending these kids out into the world, ignorant and unprepared.

What are they spending all the money on?!

The teacher who reported this travesty told Fox, “Our children deserve better. They really do. As a whole, the system has failed them.”

You don’t say?!

It seems Baltimore City Schools have what’s called a “one fail” policy in which students can only be held back a grade once prior to their freshman year of high school, so students struggling to learn are simply passed along to fail. This policy seems like an obvious outgrowth of No Child Left Behind, easily the worst piece of education legislation to ever be enacted into law.

This level of substandard performance comes as teachers’ unions continue to fight to keep parents as distanced from their children’s education as possible. They’re working to prevent cameras in classrooms, saying that it is the job of parents to respect the teachers. All the while, as they choose to ignore their duty to actually teach these students, they are taking the opportunity, instead, to indoctrinate them into radical leftist orthodoxy: critical race theory, transgenderism, and queerness.

They don’t care about your kids. They never have. And the unions will invariably defend these teachers, argue that they simply need more time off, more benefits, and of course, more of your taxpayer money.

Stop feeding your children to these monsters. Get your kids out.

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from Steven Crowder Says