Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Watch: Professor Says Adults Wanting to Have Sex With Children 'Isn’t Obviously Wrong' to Him

Watch: Professor Says Adults Wanting to Have Sex With Children 'Isn’t Obviously Wrong' to Him
Joseph Gunderson - February 02, 2022 at 07:57AM

Lately, it feels as though there’s been an exceptionally hard push to normalize pedophilia. As if this country wasn’t already swirling the drain, child diddling perverts want to make matters worse. Academia, Hollywood, and the media seem to all be working in concert to mainstream the act of molesting children, and academia seems to be pulling double-duty.

Stephen Kershnar, professor of philosophy at State University of New York at Fredonia, argues that regardless of the law, regardless of our gut feelings about the matter, it isn’t obvious to him that pedophilia is wrong.

“Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a twelve-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant. A very standard, very widely held view is that there’s something very deeply wrong about this, and that it’s wrong independent of it being criminalized. It’s not obvious to me that it is, in fact, wrong. I think this is a mistake.”

Just typing that makes me want to vomit.

This is the game the left has been playing, though. They’ve been arguing that children are capable of making life altering decisions (i.e. gender transitioning), they’ve argued children have the mental wherewithal to consent to such decisions, so it was only a matter of time before they argued children can be consenting, “willing participant[s]” in a sexual relationship with an adult.

Now, Kershnar has made a career out of being an immoral deviant—at least he’s done nothing but write about it. In his bio at SUNY, Kershnar’s credentials are proudly displayed, such as his teaching interests—abortion, adult-child sex-hell, most valuable player, pornography, punishment, sexual fantasies, slavery, and torture—and his various books:

  • Desert Collapses: Why No One Deserves Anything (2021)
  • Total Collapse: The Case Against Morality and Responsibility (2018)
  • Abortion, Hell, and Shooting Abortion-Doctors: Does the Pro-Life Worldview Make Sense? (2017)

Needless to say, there’s definitely something going on in this guy’s head, and something tells me it has to do with little children. To the arctic prison!

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