Tuesday, February 8, 2022

'So Pathetic': Former CNN Anchor Ridicules Brian Stelter, Wonders How He Manages to Function Covering News

'So Pathetic': Former CNN Anchor Ridicules Brian Stelter, Wonders How He Manages to Function Covering News
Brodigan - February 08, 2022 at 07:13AM

CNN is spiraling after Jeff Zucker's resignation, leaving Brian Stelter to pick up the pieces. Because in Soviet CNN, Humpty Dumpty can't put you back together again. Stelter's fellow content creators at the news-based entertainment network find themselves in a constant state of "I can't even." Leaving former CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien to wonder aloud how these people managed to suck so hard at life.

Jeff Zucker was forced to resign in disgrace due to a sex scandal. However, in Zucker's defense, it was a consensual ADULT relationship. This is CNN and that's not always the case. CNN insiders said Brian Stelter needs to be the next on the chopping block because of how horrible he is at his job. Also, Russell Brand got higher ratings making fun of Brian Stelter than Brian Stelter does complaining about people making fun of him.

That brings us to a meeting in CNN's New York City "news" room, where employees were in full meltdown. Time Warner CEO Jason Kilar was asked silly questions like why Zucker was given the "death penalty" for sexing up his subordinate. Then it came Brian Stelter's turn to speak. He played Trisha Yearwood's "How Do I Live" and begged Kilar for help.

"We have to move on, and I don't understand why you, Jason [Kilar], are not helping the 4,000 employees move on. ... When are we going to move on? ... I kind of think, Jason, you need to pick us off the mat and shake us off and get us back to work."

It was a meltdown too far for Soledad, who anchored the morning show on CNN for four years. She is in utter disbelief that these people are tasked with covering news daily. Or, like, having to pull themselves out of bed in the morning.

So we're clear, Soledad O'Brien? On the polar opposite of the ideological spectrum as we here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website. If there is anything the left and the right can agree on it's how embarrassing CNN has become. Like that meme from Predator.

No word on how Brian Stelter is managing to deal. My guess is he keeps watching Tucker Carlson every night while crying into his third pint of Chunky Monkey. Trying to muster up the strength to know he has to leave his apartment every day knowing he's Brian Stelter. But let's look at the silver lining: Since no one watches CNN, there's no one to see his shame.

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